Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Harmful Effects Of Smoking Tobacco - 1547 Words

The Harmful Effects of Smoking Tobacco My purpose for writing this paper is to educate the reader of the harms and effects done onto a person from smoking Tobacco and persuade anyone thinking about or attempting to smoke Tobacco to consider the following for your own benefit. I will cover most harmful effects Tobacco has on not only the person using it but also the people around them. I will also show both sides of the argument with both the pros and the cons of smoking Tobacco as well as provide an argument for why Tobacco is bad for you and should be a banned substance like many other already illegal drugs. The history of Tobacco goes all the way to before the Americas were discovered by the Europeans and when it was only roamed by the natives inhabiting it. The Tobacco plant was originally used by the Native Indians at the time for many different reasons some being for medical and others being ritual related and in some cases it was used for coming of age ceremonies. â€Å"Europeans believed that tobacco could cure almost anything, from bad breath to cancer†(The History of Tobacco). The smoking of Tobacco was also originally only used for these such things and not for recreational purposes this did not change until the Tobacco plant was quickly spread throughout the europeans soon after the Americas were discovered and this was the start of the current Tobacco that we are familiar with and know today. One argument people have for protecting Tobacco is that Tobacco hasShow MoreRelatedHarmful Effects of Smoking1418 Words   |  6 PagesHarmful effects of smoking Doan Thi Huong Thao BAIU08155 International University HCMC Academic English 2 Bien Thi Thanh Mai Instructor May 17, 2010 Abstract Smoking is known to be a primary cause of harmful effects on health, family, environment and society. However, scientist research in health and environment, that researches show that smoking cause many diseases, even lung cancer. An aim of my study has been to determine that smoking also effect on family and society. Results indicatedRead MorePublic Awareness of Smoking and Tobacco663 Words   |  3 Pageshazards of smoking is increasing, but it is still important to outline the main health problems that are associated with tobacco use. Tobacco smoking is apparently the most preventable cause of death in the United States, (Smoking: Health Hazards, 2005). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Research Study On A Literature Review Essay - 1400 Words

4.2 Research Hypothesis Hypothesis Researchers almost never conduct a study in an intellectual vacuum; their studies are usually under taken within the context of an existing knowledge base. It helps to lay the foundation for the study and also inspire new research idea. Hypothesis in other words is an assumption for the research, the researchers organizes his or her ideas and critically thinks what could be the reasons for the stated research questions; thinking of the reasons or possible causal is referred to as hypothesis. Generally hypothesis give cruel before the study starts and the results of the study will be directed to confirm or reject the stated hypothesis. 4.3 Literature review: A literature review is a summary about previous studies on the topic, Conducted at the same time as defining the research question Why conduct a literature review? – Helps ensure that your research is new – Identifies what is known and not known about the topic – Helps frame the research question properly – Suggests potential research designs The literature review outlines what is known about the topic, Identify what remains to be known about the topic and suggest how your research will help advance knowledge to address the problem. This serves as the basis of your RATIONALE which justifies what the researcher does. With the reasons above literature review helps me to up to date with nursing information which I use daily in my practices, I cannot deliver any services out from the blue,Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On Literature Review1131 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the stages in writing a research paper is the literature review. Since there is very little that has not been studied in some form, good researchers find out all they can about their subjects before they commence their own study. Not only is it imperative to acquire what is already know about the subject, but a literature review enables the researcher to identify what is not known or well understood (Lanier Briggs, 2014). By conducting a literature review, one verifies what else needsRead MoreNarrative Literature Reviews1589 Words   |  7 PagesNarrative literature reviews Introduction n A literature review is a comprehensive study and interpretation of the work that has been published on a particular topic n A literature review should convey the knowledge and ideas that have been established on a topic and their strengths and limitations Why undertake a literature review? n To provide a review of the current knowledge in a particular field n Provide a description of research studies n Identify gaps in current knowledge n Identify emergingRead MoreRole of Literature in Research1513 Words   |  7 Pages[pic]DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT THE ROLE OF LITERATURE REVIEW IN THE RESEARCH PROCESS A TERM PAPER PRESENTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE COURSE RESEARCH METHODS BY SIAW-ASAMOAH JOYCELYN Literature simply is a body of written works. It is what has been written to be investigated, thus an existing body of written works or knowledge on a chosen topic or problem area. The name is often applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions ofRead MoreWhat Factors Are Involved in the Increasing Prevalence of Type II Diabetes in Adolescents living in Sub-Saharan Africa?1279 Words   |  6 Pagesof the problem posed by type II diabetes. - Estimating the prevalence of type II diabetes among adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Identifying possible risk factors. - Making evidence based conclusions and recommendations for practice or further research. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus is a deadly disease in many parts of the world. It is a disease condition that is usually characterized with an elevated blood glucose level. Researchers over the years have worked to determine the metabolic pathwaysRead MoreImportance And Characteristics Of Literature Reviews1615 Words   |  7 PagesImportance and Characteristics of Literature Reviews A literature review examines existing research that is important to the work that you want to do. Literature reviews provide important background information and details about a specific research topic. Providing background information can help to demonstrate the importance of a topic, and can help to establish understanding of a subject or issue. An effective literature review also provides a space to elaborate on future work to be done on aRead MoreImportant Consideration in Making a Research Paper820 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the most important early steps in a research project is the conducting of the literature review. This is also one of the most humbling experiences youre likely to have. Why? Because youre likely to find out that just about any worthwhile idea you will have has been thought of before, at least to some degree. I frequently have students who come to me complaining that they couldnt find anything in the literature that was related to their topic. And virtually every time they have said thatRead MoreNursing Interventions For The Management Of Patient Fatigue1004 Words   |  5 Pagesmanagement of patient fatigue: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 2668–2678. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12211 2. Is the review thorough—does it include all of the major studies on the topic? Does it include recent research? Are studies from other related disciplines included, if appropriate? (25 points) In my opinion the review was fair, but the research study is weak due to several limitations. The reviewers clearly identified the limitations of the study such as, the sample size andRead MoreHrd Audit Literature Review683 Words   |  3 PagesLiterature Review If you believe everything you read, better not read. (Japanese Proverb) [pic] What is a literature review? A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic in the past. Its purpose is to inform the reader what has been established about a topic and what the strengths and weaknesses are. A literature review must be defined by a guiding concept and should not be a list of all the material that you can find (Porter, S. 2008, p.49). What isRead MoreLiterature Review On Childhood Trauma Essay1113 Words   |  5 Pages Literature Review Article Critique Jocelyn Claudio Widener University September 25, 2016 Overview The authors of this literature review evaluated studies completed on adults who were 50 years or older and also experienced trauma as a child. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Strategies of Outsourcing and Offshoring †

Question: Discuss about the Strategies of Outsourcing and Offshoring. Answer: Introduction: In todays business world, in order to sustain, business owners adopt ways and methods that can make their work flow fast and efficient(Kremic, 2006). Outsourcing is the only way that can prove beneficial as it assists in delegating work to outside people. The term outsourcing can also be defined as a process of delegating work to other people who are not joined with the firm but are supposed to carry certain tasks under agreed criteria(Bucki, 2017). Generally companies outsource tasks that require special treatment or the ones which could prove expensive for them. There are many ways by which outsourcing function can be carried like performing tasks in house, manufacturing in other units; IT enabled service, providing online jobs, or getting expert advices(Iqbal, 2013). Though there are many who do not believe in outsourcing as it has got many drawbacks also, but still on some or the other way has to delegate work to others like transportation, currier, engaging lawyers, etc. For a s ingle or limited group of people, to perform all the tasks are not possible and can lack quality(Mukherjee, 2014). In this research paper advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing business function will be reviewed and concluded after observing potential reasons for outsourcing in small and big organisations. Study made by many authors and researchers have been utilised in this paper to make detailed analysis of the topic to provide assistance to those who are planning to implement outsourcing function in their business. The primary feature of outsourcing i.e. performing work in shorter time along with cost reductive manner has made outsourcing function an integral part in many organisations. Companies outsources work to others in order to get involved with latest technologies and trends which could otherwise would have been difficult to perform under limited area and people(Pine, 2017). Thus external companies and agents with latest technologies are outsourced by major companies to get updated outcomes of latest trends. Time and cost saving are also significant objectives that makes organisations outsource their work along with getting efficiency(Iqbal, 2013). In the above figure it is clearly shown that objective behind outsourcing can be fulfilled in different manner but at the same time can become risk oriented without proper strategy. The reasons behind outsourcing are so apparent that sometimes many companies falls into its prey and has to bear unexpected losses(Mukherjee, 2014). To identify the pitfalls behind outsourcing it should be the primary target of businesses to recognize the risks before handed or else could lead them with adverse affects. In business where the work area is small and has limited capital, outsourcing becomes a great help as it enables sharing risks with outsourced agencies and thus releases risk of capital. Depending on the temperament of business, objectives behind outsourcing can vary but the ultimate goal lies in improving product/services(Syluancia, 2009). The scope or purpose of outsourcing is been identified to a great extent by business owners these days and have been accepted by them to fulfil many purposes(Riley, 2010). The basic scope provided by outsourcing, as shown in above figure can be further explained after evaluating it by placing different examples(Robe, 2017). Transitional or intermediary outsourcing is related to those tasks where company outsources particular task to outsiders for a certain period of time or till the task is completed. For example, delivery of goods, transporting raw materials to vendors, cleaning and sanitising, hiring mechanics for electrical fittings, labours, etc(Ahmed O. Al-Mutairi, 2015). These types of outsourcing provide a limited scope for risk as external agencies are engaged for shorter span of time. Selective outscoring is generally adopted by manufacturing companies as it deals in delegation of limited and particular work to outside companies on regular basis. Organisations where manufact uring small parts are not done in house as outsourcings confirm better way, selects other external companies to undertake that part in return of agreed costs. This function can be performed by outsourcing it to one or many companies at a time and involve risks higher than transitional outsourcing(Syluancia, 2009). Other examples are advertising function, computer related service, creative designer hiring, freelancers, etc(Pine, 2017). Lastly, there are organisations who believe in total outsourcing their business functions and assembling the entire work under their supervision. This kind of outsourcing is generally done in computer manufacturing companies where different parts of computers are assembled and is sold under name of outsourcing company. Many clothes manufacturing companies also outsources its works to different designers and tailors which are later on sold under companys name(Robe, 2017). In literature, outsourcing has gained much consequence and has become an important subject to study for researchers and writers(Kremic, 2006). The advantages of outsourcing can be identified largely which has made it an inevitable part of business. The below diagram gives an outline to the study which is further defined in a detailed and specific way with the help of studies made by different authors. Improve Company Focus has been an advantage which has made large companies adopts outsourcing. While work is delegated to outsiders, the management or executing part of the company gets released with energy which can be utilized in focussing other important areas while quality of the work is also not depreciated(Pine, 2017). Menial jobs can be outsourced as it comprises of minimum to no risk and leave the experts of the company to perform other growth oriented work. For example, in hotel business, if the regular purchasing or completed food delivery task is outsourced, it may release managers to perform other official works. In supply and logistics firm, transporting vehicles are outsourced which saves companys time and energy required for its regular maintenance of vehicle parts and hiring drivers(Robe, 2017). Reduced operating costs are another advantage recognised while outsourcing. This can also be said as main reason why small companies outsource its major work outside. While ou tsourcing, the need of hiring full time staff is eliminated and also to make arrangement to perform the task in house is not required(Ahmed O. Al-Mutairi, 2015). In manufacturing firms setting of machines is required and sometimes becomes difficult for the company to purchase and requirement of special trained staff for a particular task is also necessary. Outsourcing can be immensely used her for reducing cost of performing those tasks(Yeboah, 2013). Improvement in work quality is ensured in outsourcing as contracts are made by outsourcing firms and the outsourced agencies are obligated to perform the work under their conditions. While the experts are engaged, the efficiency and work quality is improved in cost effective way. For example, large organisations outsource its advertising part to social media and other advertising agencies that specialises in their field and with their experts and current knowledge about advertising, can provide better service to the organisations. While engaging experts to the company, business competence is gained. In organisation where large number of paper works is required to be dealt with along with handling legal cases, outsourcing can be done to experts who can handle the work more efficiently(Pellicelli, 2012). Like changes in government regulations and legal requirements is fast observed by experts of those fields and changes made according can be easily done without hampering business code. Strategic management is required in todays business scenario which can only be obtained by involving expert advices(Yeboah, 2013). Since their charges for full time service is higher, outsourcing becomes the way to get access to their expertise in reduced costs. For example, in construction firms where large number of contracts is made with suppliers and buyers, legal advices are required so that the companies are aware of government regulations regarding taxes and property leases. They outsource legal advisory works to agencies specialist in legal advising and corporate lawyers for getting acceptable advice(Gardener, 2015). Establishing world class technology is also ensured as outsourcing is generally made by the companies to them who are tailored with latest tools and procedures. Even if the company is older or has been established long way back, outsourcing its work to other companies with latest technologies can provide a scope for changeover to new trend. Smartphone companies utilising outsourcing techniques is visible in latest news where mobile producing companies outsources software development units to other advanced companies (Meyer, 2011). In airline industries also outsourcing have made a significant role where latest aircrafts and planes are manufactured by other companies with special and latest technologies(World Airline News, 2017). Lastly, to beat competition and gain sustainability, outsourcing plays an important role. This advantage is observed after realising all the above mentioned features and advantages of outsourcing by organisations as after realising it, the company must have b ecome enriched with all necessary features like cost efficiency, work effectiveness, expert engagement and time saving(Syluancia, 2009). To gain competitive advantage, the organisations follow strategic managerial procedures which can be in the form of self performance or outsourcing to other special agencies(Pellicelli, 2012). Thus the company is able to take on newer risks and challenges after outsourcing which might be helpful to overcome others in the same market area while reducing self energy for other expansion related work(Bucki, 2017). Outsourcing has many disadvantages also which has been discovered by researchers and had been estimated for business owners to make them aware of its cons while implementing it in their business(Simeoni, 2011). The following figure outlines major disadvantages of outsourcing and further explanation about it have been supported by various examples. Communication barriers are the most significant disadvantage noticed in outsourcing function as whenever outsourcing is done, it involves larger community of people belonging to different culture(Simeoni, 2011). There are times when the companies are unable to meet with the outsourcing agents personally and hence are unsure about their work quality. Where the outsourcing is done to other countries, this problem proves to be immense as language along with culture is highly diversified. This difference can lead to higher tendency of miscommunication and result in affecting the work performance(Telus International, 2017). For example, in construction industry the designing function is normally outsourced to other country experts to bring diversified and newer designs in their construction portfolio. If the designers are unaware of the climate or culture of the outsourcing countries and does not understand the actual requirement, the design sent by them can be of no use or when applied c an prove unsuccessful(Mahesh, 2009). The tendency of work quality reduction is higher in outsourcing as the external agents are more inclined to make profits rather than spending utmost time in product development or maintaining good quality throughout. As the quality reduces, sales also get down and hence prove to be fallback for the company. Management requires giving consideration to proper budgeting while utilizing outsourcing function as sometimes if miscalculated; outsourcing can prove to be cost escalating(Kremic, 2006). For example, in hospitals, cleaning function is normally outsourced to outer agencies. If the work area is limited and requires lesser time in cleaning and sanitising, the outsourcing can prove beneficial. On the other hand if the area is bigger and requires cleaning at regular intervals of the day with strict monitoring, outsourcing can prove expensive and hiring permanent staffing can then establish cost reductive way(Pine, 2017). The outsourcing agencies normally deal with many companies simultaneously to fulfil their primary target of profit earning. While they engage in many works at a time, propensity of delay at work is probable. Although agreements to maintain time punctuality is made in the agreements, still companies has to face trouble while not getting works done on time. This problem is normally faced while outsourcing transportation function and many companies face problems helplessly as the agents can easily make excuses of climatic and governmental issues(Kishore, 2010). Other issue faced by outsourcing companies are that they get delayed support by the outsourced companies at the time when any problem is identified in products or services. The external agencies who performs work for many companies might not get enough time to concentrate on each outsourcing company and while queries are delayed, the overall costs of the project is hampered along with companies getting annoyed. Lack of security o f data is another important disadvantage recognised while outsourcing. While internal management work is outsourced, data related to internal management and company secrets are sometimes required to be discussed with outsiders. Thus chances of getting them leaked become higher and loss of significant data might prove dangerous for the company(Telus International, 2017). For example, while outsourcing accounts maintaining function of business, the outsourced accounting agents or accountant may ask for credentials that are significant and at the same time necessary to present. If the outsourcing agent is fraud, they may make negative use of it and can even share or sell information with company competitors(Simeoni, 2011). Many companies also face problems while outsourcing as they tend to lose their control over the outsourced function. The external agencies or experts might not allow the company to invade into their work area and thus the owners remain unfamiliar with the work proces ses. Although they are entailed to spend expenses for work but to get control over it becomes difficult. The agencies sometimes take advantage of the situation and perform the work in inferior and degraded way(Mukherjee, 2014). Conclusion: It is important to understand pros and cons of outsourcing as it is continuously developing in business and has become an integral part of commerce(Kremic, 2006). Although researchers have provided with many reasons to implement outsourcing into business, at some areas gaps can be identified in the study which limits to cost and talent related function of outsourcing. To make the research more appropriate, those gaps should be identified by giving an insight to processes and methods of successful outsourcing. Objectives behind outsourcing are several but the major ones defined are introduction of talent and skill in the company along with reduction of cost(Riley, 2010). To save time and energy is also observed while outsourcing but at the same time can prove disadvantageous if not monitored with concern. Business owners who do not look into contracts before signing it with outsourced companies are normally the ones who suffers severely while other who take precautions gains utmost ad vantage of outsourcing(Pellicelli, 2012). The identification of advantages and disadvantages have been keenly observed in this report which can be summarised as advantages being potential enough to attract the business owners while disadvantages are the result which is faced by them due to negligence in strategic management(Kremic, 2006). References: A, V., 2017. 13 ultimate Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Offshoring. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Ahmed O. Al-Mutairi, A.A.-H.a.K.F., 2015. Advantages and Disadvantages of Maintenance Outsourcing inManufacturing Companies: With Special References to JubailIndustrial City KSA. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Bucki, J., 2017. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing in Business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Gardener, J., 2015. Why consider outsourcing property management? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Iqbal, Z., 2013. Outsourcing: A Review of Trends, Winners Losers and Future Directions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Jones, T., 2014. Must-Have Strategy Tools For Modern Businesses. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Kishore, S.C.a.R., 2010. Determinants And Impacts Of Governance Forms On Outsourcing Performance: Evidence From A Case Study. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Kremic, T., 2006. Outsourcing decision support: a survey of benefits, risks, and decision factors. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Mahesh, A., 2009. Hiring a designer: a clients perspective. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Meyer, D., 2011. Nokia announces layoffs and Symbian outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Mukherjee, R., 2014. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Pellicelli, P.M.a.M., 2012. The Strategies of Outsourcing and Offshoring. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Pine, M., 2017. Why Do Companies Outsource? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Riley, J., 2010. QA - Explain what is meant by outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Robe, E., 2017. What are examples of outsourcing? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Simeoni, R., 2011. Understanding Outsourcing Arrangements 2. The reasons and the risks of outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. Syluancia, L., 2009. The Objectives of Outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Telus International, 2017. 5 False Assumptions every Executive should Know about Outsourcing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2017]. World Airline News, 2017. Singapore Airlines to order 20 Boeing 777-9s and 19787-10 Dreamliners. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2017]. Yeboah, A., 2013. The Relationship Between Outsourcing And Organizational Performance. [Online] Available at: [Accessed August29 2017].

Monday, December 2, 2019

Monetary Policy and Impact on Economic Stabilization

Introduction Countries, like businesses, control their economic positions to maintain a healthy economic stance regarding their financial resources.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Monetary Policy and Impact on Economic Stabilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Often, the nations establish their respective central banks that act as the finance department in the country to regulate both the money, as well as the credit system. The central banks use varied policy tools, including bank reserves, federal funds market, open market operations, discount rates, and foreign currency operations, to achieve their objectives of maximum employment and stable price levels, among other goals (Rose Marquis, 2003, p. 64). This paper seeks to discuss how such available policy tools are used by these institutions to determine the nation’s policies regarding money and credit. The paper further highlights some of the wea knesses, as well as strengths of these monetary policy tools. It also gives an insight on how a country’s economic goals are affected by the policy actions implemented by their central banks. Monetary Tools Bank Reserves Banks often maintain a specific amount of funds as reserves for purposes of meeting their unexpected outflows (Gamber Colande, 2006, p. 78). These reserves are maintained as cash or as deposits mainly with the central bank. Typically, the banks hold a larger amount in their reserves than is required for purposes of clearing overnight checks, restocking their automated cash machines (ATMs), and making different payments.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The reserve held by a given bank determines the amount of money that the same bank can lend. The central bank’s Board of Governors sets the reserve requirement in any country and it forms a criti cal aspect of the national monetary base (Gamber Colande, 2006, p. 78). This monetary tool influences policies in the sense that the treasury, which is the most important supplier of high-powered money, writes cheques on its account at the central bank to increase the reserve balance. On the other hand, the treasury’s act of collecting taxes diminishes the reserve levels in the bank (Arestis Sawyer, 2006, p. 79). This is critical because it highlights the fact that a country’s fiscal policy is by all means tied to the reserve balances. The central bank uses the bank reserve tool to defend the nature and position of the economy because of the discretionary nature of the treasury operations (Arestis Sawyer, 2006, p. 79). The Federal Funds Market The federal funds market relates to the bank reserves as a policy tool used by central banks to regulate a country’s economy. Banks use this market to borrow and lend their reserve levels. It often occurs that some bank s may have more deposits in their reserves than it is required by the central bank (Strumeyer, 2012, p. 118). On the other hand, banks may find themselves in need of money to maintain their reserves at the right level as expected by the central bank.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Monetary Policy and Impact on Economic Stabilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Banks are incentivised to lend out the reserves because reserve accounts do not attract any interest. Thus, other depository institutions needing additional funds for their reserves can borrow from banks holding the excess amount. The short term lending is facilitated by the federal funds market (Strumeyer, 2012, p. 118). The central bank, acting on instructions from banks with reserve accounts, switches these funds from the lending to the borrowing bank (Strumeyer, 2012, p. 118). A funds rate, which is the interest rate paid by the borrowing bank, i s the most critical aspect as far as the money market is involved. The funds rate is set by the central bank, but consideration is given to the interplay of the market forces, mainly the demand and supply levels, to fix it. The federal funds market, therefore, is an important monetary tool that helps in determining the monetary policy because both the current and future interest rates in the economy are anchored upon the funds rate (Strumeyer, 2012, p. 118). Open Market Operations The ‘open market operations’ is the most important tool that central banks use in the determination of their monetary and credit policies. This tool influences the reserves’ supply within the banking system. The central bank purchases and sells securities belonging to the government on the open market, including bankers’ acceptances (Thomas, 2006, p. 398).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The central bank has the discretion to determine the timing and magnitude of the transactions and implement the open market purchases basing on the needed impact on bank reserves, short-term interest rates, monetary aggregates, and the monetary base (Thomas, 2006, p. 398). The central banks use their portfolio of securities to earn their interest income. In this regard, the total revenue that the central bank earns varies proportionally to the central bank’s portfolio magnitude (Thomas, 2006, p. 399). For instance, a monetary restraint policy will be the central bank’s best alternative to counter the situation where an economy experiences escalating inflation and excessive aggregate expenditures (Thomas, 2006, p. 399). Such a condition will see the institution sell its securities within the open market. New reserves will be created to pay for the securities, where the security dealers’ reserve account will be credited. This mechanism allows the market operations tool to govern both the bank reserves’ behaviour and the monetary stand. As Thomas (2006, p. 399) points out, the action by the central bank in terms of acquisition or sale of securities results in the multiple expansion of deposits or contraction, thereby affecting the monetary aggregates in general. Discount Rates The discount rate is considered as a general or a quantitative instrument that influences the volume of credit that circulates in an economy. The central bank uses this rate to purchase or rediscount the bills of exchange, including other commercial papers appropriate for purchase. Banks borrow funds from the central bank by way of rediscounting the bills or through lending based on security on similar bills (Fernando, 2011, p. 560). Alternatively, lending by the central bank may also take place by way of short-dated government papers. The discount rate is determined solely by the central bank on a weekly basis and the banks alter it whenever the government seeks to achieve a particular desirable objective. For instance, the central bank may raise the discount rate as a move to discourage borrowing within the economy. Such a move, therefore, tightens credit because only a few individuals may be in a position to afford the high interest rates (Fernando, 2011, p. 560). On the other hand, the central bank lowers the discount rate when the government wishes to encourage more borrowing, making it cheaper for individuals to borrow and service their loans. The central bank uses this tool to regulate the actions of the commercial banks, thus controlling undue expansion of credit (Fernando, 2011, p. 560). Foreign Currency Operations The modalities of the foreign currency operations work in a similar manner as those of the open market operations. However, the main differentiating aspect of the two is the fact that the main commodity sold is the foreign currency, instead of the government securities. The central bank purchases foreign currencies as a way of expanding a country’s monetary base, thus influencing its money supply (Rose Marquis, 2003, p. 118). This move, in turn, creates additional reserves within the banking system. Thus, the central bank influences its ability to lend and re-lend its financial base to other institutions in the country (Marthinsen, 2008, p. 248). The bank, however, may also choose to decrease monetary aggregates in the economy, especially if they affect the economy negatively, by selling the foreign currencies. Such a move helps the bank to lower the amount of reserves in circulation, thereby compelling other financial intermediaries to limit their loans. This tool helps countries that are less developed, which mainly suffer from underdeveloped security markets (Marthinsen, 2008, p. 248). The foreign currency trade offers a better alternative to create the requisite influence since such countries are unable to purchase or trade their respective government securities easily or in large amoun ts. Strengths and Weaknesses Reserve Requirements Strengths The reserve requirements enable a government to regulate prices stability within the economy (Welch Welc, 2010, p. 248). The economy is at risk of suffering from inflation as a result more people having more money than the demand when too much money is in circulation. Thus, the central government may raise the reserve requirement amount to restrict the amount of money in circulation. On the other hand, short supply of money may result in prices shooting up, thus the central bank avoids such a scenario by releasing more money in the reserve system to cushion on the shortage. Weaknesses Regulating the amount of money supply within an economy may end up affecting the government’s objectives of achieving growth in the long run. It is not easy to determine the correct amount of money that should be in circulation at any given time because of economic uncertainty (Welch Welc, 2010, p. 248). Discount Rate Strengths Discou nt rates provide an avenue through which the government, through the central government, earns additional revenue for maintaining its operations. An improved economy will offer a greater chance for the government to earn more through an expanded discount rate. Weaknesses Discount rates may result in poor economic performance, especially where external economic factors are not considered. A higher discount rate will discourage borrowing, and affect long-term economic development negatively (Welch Welc, 2010, p. 248). Conclusion A nation’s economic policy is directly tied to the respective policy actions that are determined by its central bank. Such policies employ the use of reserve requirements, which the central bank uses to regulate the total amount of money that circulates within the economy. Too much money in circulation may result in inflation, leading to a sharp increase in the prices of products. Limited amount in circulation may result in difficulties in the economy where few people would be in the position to afford commodities. Thus, the central bank ensures that only the requisite amount of money is in circulation, while keeping the extra cash in the reserves. Another tool of the monetary and credit policy, the discount rate, is equally used by the central bank to determine the flow of funds, mainly loans, in the economy. All commercial banks adhere to this rate, which may result in high or low borrowing in the economy. A higher rate discourages people and institutions from borrowing loans, while a lower rate encourages more borrowing. List of References Arestis, P Sawyer, MC 2006, A handbook of alternative monetary economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK Fernando, AC 2011, Business environment, Dorling Kindersley, New Delhi, India Gamber, E Colande, DC 2006, Macroeconomics, Pearson Education South Africa, Cape Town Marthinsen, JE 2008, Managing in a global economy: Demystifying international macroeconomics, Thomson, Mason, OH R ose, PS Marquis, MH 2003, Money and capital markets: financial institutions and instruments in a global marketplace, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY Strumeyer, G 2012, Investing in fixed income securities: understanding the bond market, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ Thomas, LB, 2006, Money, banking and financial markets, Thomson, Mason, OH Welch, PJ Welc, GF 2010, Economics: Theory and practice, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ This essay on Monetary Policy and Impact on Economic Stabilization was written and submitted by user Maddox K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Observation Paper

As a prospective teacher I admit that when I first entered the teacher education program I thought of learning as memorizing, and understood teaching as showing, telling and performing. I admit feeling uncomfortable at the outset with the requirement to be reflective about past and current experience and practices, and with the expectation that I should be actively involved in the construction of my own professional knowledge. A narrative and holistic orientation to teacher education is grounded in Dewey’s philosophy of education and his belief that we learn from experience and reflection on experience. As Dewy (1966) has explained: ‘[the] educational process is one of continual reorganizing, reconstruction, transforming experience’ (p.50), and this holds whether one is in a setting of teacher education, a high school or a kindergarten. As instructor, I emphasize the necessity for participants to understand the foundational concepts on which the courses are based; that the emphasis on reflective inquiry in learning to teach was established by Dewey in his work on conceptions of time, space, experience and sociality (Dewey, 1916, 1934, 1938a, 1938b). A narrative and holistic orientation to professional learning is based on the education and development of the whole person who is becoming a teacher. The construction of professional knowledge is understood as a relational and interactive process where teacher, student and subject matter are interconnected (Schwab, 1971, 1983). Here, the particularities of personal and situational contexts are important. In the context of a curriculum for teacher education, this view challenges simplistic notions of a curriculum based on a set of theoretical and practical requirements, a course of study, or a list of competencies. It validates individuals’ experiences of schooling, their personal biographies and family histories, and experiences of growing up in different cultural envir... Free Essays on Observation Paper Free Essays on Observation Paper As a prospective teacher I admit that when I first entered the teacher education program I thought of learning as memorizing, and understood teaching as showing, telling and performing. I admit feeling uncomfortable at the outset with the requirement to be reflective about past and current experience and practices, and with the expectation that I should be actively involved in the construction of my own professional knowledge. A narrative and holistic orientation to teacher education is grounded in Dewey’s philosophy of education and his belief that we learn from experience and reflection on experience. As Dewy (1966) has explained: ‘[the] educational process is one of continual reorganizing, reconstruction, transforming experience’ (p.50), and this holds whether one is in a setting of teacher education, a high school or a kindergarten. As instructor, I emphasize the necessity for participants to understand the foundational concepts on which the courses are based; that the emphasis on reflective inquiry in learning to teach was established by Dewey in his work on conceptions of time, space, experience and sociality (Dewey, 1916, 1934, 1938a, 1938b). A narrative and holistic orientation to professional learning is based on the education and development of the whole person who is becoming a teacher. The construction of professional knowledge is understood as a relational and interactive process where teacher, student and subject matter are interconnected (Schwab, 1971, 1983). Here, the particularities of personal and situational contexts are important. In the context of a curriculum for teacher education, this view challenges simplistic notions of a curriculum based on a set of theoretical and practical requirements, a course of study, or a list of competencies. It validates individuals’ experiences of schooling, their personal biographies and family histories, and experiences of growing up in different cultural envir...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Battle of Corunna - Napoleonic Wars Battle of Corunna

Battle of Corunna - Napoleonic Wars Battle of Corunna Battle of Corunna - Conflict: The Battle of Corunna was part of the Peninsular War, which was in turn part of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Battle of Corunna - Date: Sir John Moore held off the French on January 16, 1809. Armies Commanders: British Sir John Moore16,000 infantry9 guns French Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult12,000 infantry4,000 cavalry20 guns Battle of Corunna - Background: Following the recall of Sir Arthur Wellesley after the signing of the Convention of Cintra in 1808, command of British forces in Spain devolved to Sir John Moore. Commanding 23,000 men, Moore advanced to Salamanca with the goal of supporting the Spanish armies that were opposing Napoleon. Arriving in the city, he learned that the French had defeated the Spanish which jeopardized his position. Reluctant to abandon his allies, Moore pressed on to Valladolid to attack the corps of Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult. As he neared, reports were received that Napoleon was moving against him the bulk of the French army. Battle of Corunna - British Retreat: Outnumbered more than two-to-one, Moore began a lengthy withdrawal towards Corunna in the northwest corner of Spain. There the ships of the Royal Navy waited to evacuate his men. As the British retreated, Napoleon turned the pursuit over to Soult. Moving through the mountains in cold weather, the British retreat was one of great hardship that saw discipline break down. Soldiers looted Spanish villages and many became drunk and were left for the French. As Moores men marched, General Henry Pagets cavalry and Colonel Robert Craufurds infantry fought several rearguard actions with Soults men. Arriving at Corunna with 16,000 men on January 11, 1809, the exhausted British were shocked to find the harbor empty. After waiting four days, the transports finally arrived from Vigo. While Moore planned the evacuation of his men, Soults corps approached the port. To block the French advance, Moore formed his men south of Corunna between the village of Elvina and the shoreline. Late on the 15th, 500 French light infantry drove the British from their advance positions on the hills of Palavea and Penasquedo, while other columns pushed the 51st Regiment of Foot back up the heights of Monte Mero. Battle of Corunna - Soult Strikes: On the following day, Soult launched a general assault on the British lines with an emphasis on Elvina. After pushing the British out of the village, the French were promptly counterattacked by the 42nd Highlanders (Black Watch) and the 50th Foot. The British were able to retake the village, however their position was precarious. A subsequent French attack forced the 50th to retreat, causing the 42nd to follow. Personally leading his men forward, Moore and the two regiments charged back into Elvina. Fighting was hand-to-hand and the British drove the French out at the point of the bayonet. At the moment of victory, Moore was struck down when a cannon ball hit him in the chest. With night falling, the final French attack was beaten back by Pagets cavalry. During the night and morning, the British withdrew to their transports with the operation protected by the guns of the fleet and the small Spanish garrison in Corunna. With the evacuation complete, the British set sail for England. Aftermath of the Battle of Corunna: British casualties for the Battle of Corunna were 800-900 dead and wounded. Soults corps suffered 1,400-1,500 dead and wounded. While the British won a tactical victory at Corunna, the French had succeeded in driving their opponents from Spain. The Corunna campaign exposed issues with the British system of supply in Spain as well as a general lack of communication between them and their allies. These were addressed when the British returned to Portugal in May 1809, under the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley. Selected Sources British Battles: Battle of CorunnaBattle of Corunna

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Homework 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Homework 4 - Essay Example The US supports the Jewish Israelites against the Christian Palestinians who do not believe in Jesus and Muslims as they support the expulsion of the all Israel citizens living in Palestine. The Americans have embraced the perverted interpretation of Christianity that ignores the humane message of Jesus Christ which is the same view held by the non-Christians in Palestine. The mainline Christians in Palestine usually question about the legitimacy of the Jewish faith while some evangelical Christians back Israelites hence the reason why the US is against the Christians. The Palestine-Israel conflict for the US economy and diplomacy has huge consequences on the economy and security of the US. The passionate attachment that US have with Palestine has produced numerous evils in their country (Green 120). The conflict between the two countries has highly jeopardized the security in the US and that the conflict is responsible for the economic, moral and social

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Disadvantages of Social Networking at the Workplace Research Paper

Disadvantages of Social Networking at the Workplace - Research Paper Example In places of work, this can cause many problems in relation to wasted resources, lack of concentration, lost productivity, unhealthy employee relationships as well as tarnishing of the image of a company. Disadvantages of Social Networking at the Workplace The first major disadvantage of social networking in the workplace is that it leads to reduced Employee Productivity. Considerable research has revealed that due to the demands of social media and the excitement accrued by social networking, most employees will spend more time on the social media sites rather than do productive work. Most of the time, employees entangled with social networking will not often concentrate on their work. They will concentrate more on the social networking. This is because they need to make new friends, share some experiences or reply to some messages. In the long run, the quality of work delivered by such employees becomes very poor thereby reducing the productivity of the entire company. This can cau se the company to undergo enormous losses. In addition to spending less time in productive work, such the presence of social networking may cause the employees to loose concentration in their work. In some cases, the employees have internet connection in their offices. This causes some of them to get in to the social networking sites while they work. ... For instance, an employee might decline out of office responsibilities where he cannot access the internet. The other disadvantage of social networking in places of work involves generation of unhealthy employee relations. In most cases, the employees will interact more in the social media than they do in the open. In this case, some employees within a company might hurt others in the same company. For example if a particular employee feels that another employee has taken up his or her position in the company, he or she may want to sent hurtful messages to the other employee through social networking sites. In some instances, such hurtful and abusive messages may be addressing the affected employee indirectly. In other occasions, a junior employee may send bad messages though the social networking sites concerning his boss. This can hurt the boss in a great way. Unhealthy employee relations may also accrue from issues related to promotion and prestigious positions in a company. For e xample, one employee might feel that his fellow employee receives favors from the management including undeserved promotion. The other employee can pass messages to all other employees of the company through the social networking sites concerning the issue. In most cases, the messages passed through these social networking sites are often rumors and therefore can tarnish the names of people. It might be impossible for such a person to tarnish the name of his fellow employee by word of mouth. Most people will view the social networking sites as good avenues to pass rumors concerning people that they hate or dislike. This means that rather than social networking strengthening employee relationships in the workplace, it actually destroys these

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learner Resources Essay Example for Free

Learner Resources Essay Review the range of resources available within the organisation for a selected curriculum area. Prepare, use and evaluate one of them in their teaching. Analyse the strengths and challenges of the selected resource and how it has supported learning. INTRODUCTION Selecting the use of resources is a vital aspect of enhancing not only the learning experience for the student, but also the effectiveness of the teacher’s delivery. The fact that students do have varying learning needs and styles, would suggest that the teacher would need to consider the various learning resources available that could help fulfil the student needs. Therefore it is important that the use of resources are fully integrative of the teaching strategies used, hence complimenting to the effectiveness of these strategies. Teaching/learning resources that can be used are: †¢ Printed materials †¢ Photographs and slides †¢ Posters †¢ Models †¢ Chalk/Black Boards †¢ Flip charts †¢ Overhead transparancies †¢ Audi tapes and compact discs †¢ Tape slide sequences †¢ Video tapes and film †¢ Laboratory equipment †¢ Real objects †¢ Computer based resources However, whilst there is a great deal of choice available to the teacher it is important to evaluate the options available fully in order to ensure that the aims and objectives of the session are met and that resources are not chosen in an unstructured way. Rather, the resources, should be a complimentary tool to enhancing the learning experience. This can ensure effective student learning, however, if not evaluated fully, this can have a detrimental effect. Cox and Harper (2000: 57-58) pose general questions to consider when evaluating resources: †¢ Are the materials appropriate to the learning outcomes? †¢ Are they suitable in terms of the characteristics of the students? †¢ Are they clear and attractive and consistent with a professional approach to teaching? †¢ Are they reasonably cost effective? †¢ Are they suitable for the way they will be used? †¢ Are they free from discriminatory language or images? Therefore, when evaluating the most commonly used resources that have been undertaken on the Certificate of Personnel Practice Course at Barking College the above considerations will be taken into account. The table below analyses the learning resources that have been used within the teaching context on the Certificate in Personnel Practice course at Barking College. The resource most frequently used within the sessions conducted on the Certificate in Personnel Practice course is the use of the Powerpoint (see Appendix A for example of powerpoint presentation taken from Week 12 of the course). It was felt that the Powerpoint presentation enabled the greatest opportunity to convey information to a full class of students, whilst given the learners an opportunity to feedback, through questions and answers. As stated by Armitage et al (2003: 127) this method gives the potential for dynamic graphics, greater and easier to use colour and ‘live’ demonstration of interactive software and the Internet’. Additionally, Davies J et al (1993) suggests that if it is apparent to the students that little attention is given to the quality of the resource then motivation will be affected. Therefore, the session would benefit in continuously gaining student feeback on the effectiveness of this resource. Previously, overhead slides had been used, but as mentioned the use of Powerpoint has become very cost effective, through storing presentations on disk. As well as sharing this with other members of the teaching team it can be shared with the students as well. Specifically, Powerpoint allows the student to print out user-friendly handouts of the slides, which is effective for note taking. Through identifying some of the limitations of the Powerpoint the sessions include the active use of the whiteboard to write down student contributions and amendments. The need for further additional resources to compliment the Powerpoint is also needed. The use of handouts has identified further that assessments and participatory groupwork is imperative. Therefore, as with all resources it is important that there is not over-reliance on one particular resource, as this would not appeal to all learning styles and is limited in meeting the strategies adopted by the teacher. Therefore the use of complimentary and additional resources is imperative. Case studies have been identified as an ideal way of ensuring assessment, whilst obtaining active student involvement either individually or as a group to contribute. So will therefore, be used more readily in future sessions to compliment the Powerpoint resource Conclusion Different resources have their strengths and weaknesses, with some having a more positive/ negative effect on the learners than others. Therefore, a range of resources have been continuously used on the course in order to not only meet the needs of the learner but the aims and objectives of each individual session. BIBLIOGRAPHY Armitage, A et al (2003) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press Cox, A and Harper, H (2000) Planning Teaching and Assessing Learning: A Reader. London: Greenwich University Press Davies, J et al (1993) Adult Learning, Adult Teaching 3rd edn. Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1992) Manual of Learning Styles, 3rd edn. London: Peter Honey Petty, G (2004) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide, 3rd edn. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Use of Reflective Practice in Nursing Essay -- Professional Growth thr

In this essay, I will be summarizing and exploring my understanding of reflective practice. Reflective practice is the process of learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice (Boud et al 1985; Boyd and Fales, 1983; Mezirow, 1981, Jarvis, 1992). This generally involves examining assumptions of everyday practice. It also requires the individual practitioner to be self-aware and to critically evaluate their responses to practice situations. The point is to recapture practice experiences and think about them critically in order to gain new understandings and so improve future practice. This is understood as part of the process of life-long learning. This process of learning from reflection brings self-awareness, gaining knowledge and enhancing communication skills, were the key learning points that I learnt within this discussion. From this discussion itself I learnt new features and ways which gave me the ability to learn how to enhance my communication skills. I have also gained knowledge from on-line discussion with members of the group who have shared their knowledge and acquiring from literature. However, this process of continuously learning gave me a deeper insight of new features and methods that allowed me to challenge myself by merely sharing knowledge within an on-line discussion. In reflective practice, practitioners engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self-evaluation in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves and in learners (Brookfield, 1995; Thiel, 1999). The goal is not necessarily to address a specific problem or question defined at the outset, as in practitioner research, but to observe and refine practice in gen... ... R. (2011). ABC of Action Learning. Gower Publishing Limited; Surrey Schon, D.(1983)The Reflective Practitioner. New Yorks Books. EGAN, G. (2007) The Skilled Helper.9th ed. Belmont:Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. SUSAN, W. W. and IAN McGILL (1989) Making Sense of Experiential Learning, London, United Jarvis, P. (1992) Reflective practice and nursing. Nurse Education Today, 12(3), 174-181. LINDA, D. R. and MARY, W. (2001) Principles and Practice of Informal Education, London, Routledge Falmer Mcgill, I and Beard, L. (2001) ‘Action Learning: a guide for professional. Management & educational development’ Oxon: Routledge. Mezirow, J. (1981) A critical theory of adult learning and eduaiton. Adult Education,32(1), 3-24. Schà ¶n, D. A. (1987) Teaching artistry through reflection-in-action, In Educating the reflective practitioner (pp. 22-40) San Francisco

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Analysis of Obesity in America

LIB 111 9 October 2012 Our Responsibility: An Analysis of Obesity in America America is becoming obese. As a community we are becoming more accepting of being overweight. Americans must make choices about where they eat, and how much they eat, for themselves, as well as their families. It is a person’s own responsibility to choose what they consume, not their government’s. Fast food is the new tobacco. Only society, not the government will be able to change the way Americans view their food choices.Many people, such as First Lady Michelle Obama, in â€Å"Remarks to the NAACP National Convention† believe that it is the government’s job to help control America’s obesity rates (432). Obama states that the government is proposing, â€Å"a $400 million a year fund†(427), to promote health. America prides itself on the liberties of its citizens, and the government is supposed to ensure that American’s have rights, not take them away. Forcing Americans to change their way of eating is not the solution to obesity. In â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business† written by Radley Balko, Balko talks about how America is â€Å"migrating toward socialism†(396).We are migrating toward socialism by not allowing the people to think for themselves and make their own decisions. Balko believes that we should not bring â€Å"government between you and your waistline†(396). He argues, â€Å"[w] e’re becoming less responsible for our own health, and more responsible for everyone else’s†(396). Balko makes the most valid of points by asking himself, â€Å"if the government is paying for my anti-cholesterol medication, what incentive is there for me to put down the cheeseburger? †(397). If the government is just going to take care of you once you have the negative affects of fast food, you don’t need to prevent it.David Zinczenko, chief editor of Men’s Health wrote, â€Å"Donâ€⠄¢t Blame the Eater† in 2002. In his essay, Zinczenko voices that the public should know better than to eat several meals a day at a fast food restaurant, however he does hold fast food restaurants accountable for not telling the public how many calories a meal contains (397). It is the government’s duty to have fast food restaurants make nutritional facts available to the public. American’s find it easiest to blame others for their faults, instead of dealing with them.In society, many people are often careless when looking out for themselves, and always claim to need the government’s assistance when in need. Our government should help, but only as a last resort. Americans need to promote their own healthy lifestyle. If there is no inner desire for a healthy lifestyle, the government should not be able to change your chosen way of living. Food is related to emotions. All American’s can relate to the sweet smell of their mother baking cookies on a co ld day, and the melt in your mouth taste of the warm cookies after playing outside in the cold.Judith Warner claims, â€Å"the Obama nanny state is, essentially, snatching cookies-I. e. , the pursuit of happiness- from the mouths of babes†(401). By regulating what children are allowed to eat, it is an â€Å"assault on the American way of life†(401). It is a parents job to control what their children eat, not the governments. Many find that their inspiration is from ads, other people, TV, and Internet. It is society that evolves and changes into a new mindset together. Tobacco sales, as argued by Judith Warner in â€Å"Junking Junk Food† did not decline due to the government’s involvement, but because of society’s modern outlook on smokers.Warner says â€Å"it was a shift in cultural attitudes, not laws or regulations, that led Americans to quit smoking†(404). If the harmful ingredients in tobacco can be outlawed by society, and influence Ame ricans to live a healthier lifestyle, then society, not our government can and will be responsible for their healthy diet. One will not change their outlook on healthy living or healthy diets, based on what a government demands, it must be one’s own choice to change the way they and their families eat and exercise.When society begins to evolve, without the government demanding it, people will be confident with their healthy lifestyle choices. Warner believes that â€Å"social norms could change: that huge portions, or eating processed foods loaded with sugar, salt and fat for example could become socially unacceptable†(404). There is hope for American citizens to make their own decisions. It is up to American parents to control what their children eat, as well as what they are consuming. The government does not have the right to regulate one’s personal food intake.American’s must see their current faults, and allow for change in their lives. We must be re sponsible for ourselves, and not allow the government to constantly take care for their citizens as children. Works cited Balko, Radley. â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business†. â€Å"They Say/I Say† with readings: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. 2nd ed. New York. W. W. Norton, 2012. 395-397. Print. Obama, Michelle â€Å"Remarks to the NAACP National Convention†. â€Å"They Say/I Say† with readings: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing.Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. 2nd ed. New York. W. W. Norton, 2012. 417-433 Print. Warner, Judith. â€Å"Junking Junk Food†. â€Å"They Say/I Say† with readings: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. 2nd ed. New York. W. W. Norton, 2012. 400-404. Print. Zinczenko, David. â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater†. â€Å"They Say/I Say† with readings: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. 2nd ed. New York. W. W. Norton, 2012. 391-392 Print.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quality Control of Parenterals

From Greek, Para outside; enter=intestine and exerts their action by directly entering into the systemic circulation. The quality of prankster's is the sum of all parameters that contribute to safety, efficacy and therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Drug products administered by injection are characterized by three qualities pertinacity, and freedom from particulate matter. The USPS compendia requirements has recommended the following tests for parentally products:1 . Pyroxene Testing.2. Sterility Testing.3. Particulate matter Testing.4. Package integrity Test.5. Safety Test.Pyroxene Testing Pyroxene are fever producing substances, which are metabolic products of microorganisms. Chemically, they are lipid substances associated with a carrier molecule, which is usually a polysaccharide. Pyroxene are produced by many microorganisms including bacteria, yeasts and McCollum. Most potent pyroxene are the antitoxins produced from the cell walls of the Gram- negative bacteria. Pyroxene can cau se a lot of damage, if they are injected into a human being. Hence every batch of parentally is tested for the presence of pyroxene. Page Number 5 Following Tests are Performed for Pyroxene testing: A. Rabbit Pyroxene Test (RPR) B. Ilium's Embody Alyssa (ALA) Test C. Monocot Activation Test (MAT) A.Rabbit Pyroxene Test (RPR) Introduction Selection of animals Animal quarters Retaining boxes Materials Thermometer Preliminary test Main test Interpretation 0 Introduction It is an in vivo test to detect the presence of pyroxene in parental to ensure their quality standards. In 1942 it was added on USPS as official test but it was replaced with ALA test in 1982. Biologic are still tested with RPR Early indention detection was accomplished by injecting rabbits with the sample and observing the response in their body temperature. Rabbits have similar indention tolerance to humans, and were thus an ideal choice. However, this method was costly, time consuming, and prompted protests from anim als rights advocates. But perhaps the biggest drawback of this test was its inability to quantify the indention level.Selection of animals Rabbits are used in this test because they show similar response as in humans. Following is selection criteria according to USPS 0 Albino rabbits should be used which grams in weight. 0 Rabbit should not loss its weight during week of test 0 Rabbit should be physically healthy 0 Rabbit should be on balance diet 0 Rabbit should not be administered with any anti body 7th – A I Survivors I The University of Lahore Page Number 6 0 The rabbits which are used three days before in a negative pyroxene test are not used 0 The rabbits which are used two weeks before in a positive pyroxene test are not used 0 Animal quarters Rabbits should be kept in special cages and individual rabbit in a single cage.Quarter and cage should be fulfilled following criteria: 0 Design of cage should be certified from ALL (American association of accreditation of labor atory animals) 0 Temperature of quarter should be 20 to 30 degree Celsius (temperature of performance area should also be in this range with deviation of 3) 0 If temperature of performance area is different from area where animals are kept then animals must be brought in performance area 18 hours before test 0 In performance area there should not be noise, due to noise temperature of rabbit can rise from 0. To 10 degree Celsius , which become normal after 6 to 9 hours. 0 Retaining boxes Rabbits are kept in separate boxes 1 hour before performance, design of boxes should be such that body can easily move and neck is at opening side. 0 Materials Materials such as syringes glassware etc. Should be washed with water for injection and place in hot air oven at 200 degree Celsius for 1 hour or at 250 degree Celsius for 30 minutes for dehydrogenation..Treat all diluents and solutions for washing and rinsing of devices or parentally injection assemblies in a manner that will assure that they are sterile and pyroxene -free. Periodically perform control pyroxene tests on representative portions of the diluents and solutions for washing or rinsing of the apparatus. 7th – A I Survivors The University of Lahore Page Number 7 0 Thermometer theorists probes or similar probes that have been calibrated to assure an accuracy of ? ±0. 1 0 and have been tested to determine that a maximum reading is reached in less than 5 minutes. Rectal thermometer is used in this test which is calibrated with 1 degree Celsius marks.Thermometer is inserted at depth of 5 centimeter. Temperature should be measured within 5 minutes. 0 Preliminary test Measure the temperature 1-1. 5 hours before test 0 Wash the marginal ear vein with ethyl alcohol (antiseptic) ethyl alcohol also act as clearing agent. 0 Now inject pyroxene free water with dose of 10 ml per keg. 0 Measure the temperature at intervals of 30 minutes for 3 hours 0 Any rabbit showing variation in temperature of 0. 6 degree will no t be used in main tests. 0 Main test Select three rabbits which are passed in the preliminary test. Monitor the temperature and inject the product after 90 minutes in marginal ear vein Dose should be 0. Ml/keg to 10 ml/keg as specified in individual monogram Product can be eluted with pyroxene free water or any solvent recommended in official books Quantity of drug is as in monogram. 0 Measurement of temperature and pyroxene response Measure the initial temperatures within 40 minutes of injection for this purpose take one reading at after 10 minutes and second after 30 minutes average of both will be the initial temperature. 7th – A I Survivors The University of Lahore Page Number 8 Now monitor the temperature for 3 hours at the intervals of 30 minutes and note the highest temperature.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

4 pieces of career advice no one will give you

4 pieces of career advice no one will give you You’ve heard all the classics before (including from us!): never stop revamping your resume. Practice your body language. Keep your network evergreen, because you never know when you’ll need it. These are all important and useful tips for anyone’s career, no matter what the industry. But if you’re just starting out, there are some more†¦off-the-record things that everyone learns the hard way, but people don’t really talk about. Let’s look at some of the things that happen to most of us, but aren’t necessarily in the career guides. 1. You’re going to fail (sometimes)That sounds super harsh and pessimistic, right? But it’s also true. You’re not gonna fail all the time, or most of the time- don’t worry. But sometimes, things will go badly, and you will run into the big â€Å"F.† It happens to all of us- the straight-A overachievers, the guy who doesn’t care, the seasoned professional. Sometim es things just aren’t going to go well. And while it can be upsetting, especially if it leads to negative feedback or professional consequences, you have to be able to absorb it, take what lessons you can, and move on. And when it happens, remember that you’re not alone, and that some of the most important lessons come from falling on your face once in a while.2. Set work-life boundaries earlyAt the start of any new job or career path, you want to set a great first impression. The one who starts early (or is impeccably on time every day), stays late, deftly responds to an after-hours email. Here’s the problem with that approach: it can turn into the status quo very quickly, as people start to expect that your hard-charging ways are just the way you operate and what they can expect from you. This is not to say you should slack off, or try to set expectations low. Rather, make sure you’re staking out personal boundaries and that you have personal outlets th at balance out the job. If you don’t have a workout routine, or de-stressing activity, or something that keeps you happy and fulfilled outside of work, that’s a fast-track to burnout.3. Don’t take everything so seriouslyYes, your career is important. Yes, you should be a strong advocate for yourself and not take crap from anyone. But if you’ve got your Game Face on all the time at work, you run the risk of alienating coworkers, bosses, anyone on the receiving end of your â€Å"don’t mess with me† vibe. Being flexible (and willing to take a step back and chill out) when necessary will help you keep a kind of equilibrium at work.4. It’s okay to have imposter syndromeYou’ve probably heard about â€Å"imposter syndrome,† where people feel like they’re inadequate at their jobs and that everyone else is on the cusp of figuring out that they don’t belong there. Turns out, a little insecurity can go a long way towa rd helping your career. If you feel an overwhelming sense of inferiority, that could mean that you need more training or guidance. But if you feel more like you could take that feeling and direct it into professional development, or working more efficiently, then it can be a boon to your career.No matter who you are, no matter what job you do, the most important career advice of all is â€Å"don’t worry.† As long as you’re working hard to improve yourself at every step of your career, you don’t always have to worry about whether you’re following the proper advice- it just has to be proper for you and your goals.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The anatomy of a good speech - Emphasis

The anatomy of a good speech The anatomy of a good speech Whether you think David Cameron is Blair MK II or the saviour-in-waiting of UK plc, the BBCs analysis of his speeches down the years here and here makes very interesting reading. Top of the list of most-used words is people, which Emphasis has always cited as one of the most powerful in the English language. The UKs Conservative Party (of whom Cameron is leader) is currently riding high in the polls with a nine point lead over Labour, and many put this down at least partly to a well-orchestrated communications policy. This is unsurprising given that Cameron is the former head of corporate affairs at a large media company. But credit must also go to the speechwriters on the Tory campaign team, who clearly know how to turn a phrase or two to their leaders advantage. The analysis reveals how they seem to have chosen words very carefully to support a deliberate strategy. For example, Gordon Brown said in his speech last week that this was no time for novices, in a sideways swipe at his opponents lack of experience. So Cameron this week gave Margaret Thatcher a name-check purely to give his speech weight, apparently. The BBC uses word clouds to show how the latest conference speeches from the leaders of all three main UK political parties compare. Its all fascinating stuff.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Godzilla Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Godzilla - Movie Review Example However, at the same time, many critics claimed that Godzilla has not been up to the mark. The critical acclaim was posed against the production and cinematography. This makes it evident that modern version of Godzilla has covered the critical points to overcome critical acclaims. Most of the positive feedback that has been noted over the weeks is in terms of graphical work done for the film. Audiences have greatly enjoyed the audio and visual effects of the film. It is due to this reason that increased number of movie-goers made the film as a must watch. The film has been made with little emphasis on storyline and more action oriented. The rendering of action sequence is by far well done in this film which was not better in previous version of Godzilla (Edwards). Cinematography is yet another element of the film that has been able to gain a lot of attention. The main objective of films such as Godzilla is to make sure that their focused monsters are extremely horrible. This is exactly the case in the 2014th version of Godzilla where the monsters were given scariest look. Also, the ability of the heroic groups or the combating party was shown to be very less that rather increased interest of the audiences. It must be said that making the monster larger than life greatly worked for the film. In order to increase the intensity of damage that has been by the monster, the film’s production team made use of panoramic shots of the film that was damaged by the monster. Such details greatly made audiences to imagine the damage that could have been done in the real life by such monsters if they were real. One of the aspects that must be noticed is that the cast of the film is very interesting. The actors are fairly famous actors and actresses. However, the film storyline did not give much chance to the actors to play their respective roles with enhanced looks. Thus, it can be said that the film rather revolves around the monster

Friday, November 1, 2019

Structure of Eukaryotic Cells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Structure of Eukaryotic Cells - Essay Example The eukaryotic cells are made up of numerous rod-shaped chromosomes. They are structured to compose of several membrane-bound organelles such as the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts and endoplasmic reticulum. These organelles found in the eukaryotic cells have remarkable cellular functions. The eukaryotic cells are well structured and protected by a membrane-bound nucleus. This nucleus that surrounds the membrane is considered as a true nucleus (Lanza, 2009). Additionally, almost all eukaryotic organelles are divided with the rest of the cellular space by a membrane. The eukaryotic organelles are surrounded by a membrane that is based on lipid bilayers which are relatively comparable to the cell's outer membrane, but it is not similar. In summary, the aggregate area of a cell's internal membranes by far-off surpasses that of its plasma membrane. Similarly, organelle membranes just like the plasma membrane role are to retain the interior fluids in and the exterior fluids ou t. This separation allows several types of biochemical reactions to take place in diverse organelles (Lanza, 2009). Each of the organelles has a particular role in the cell and all of the cell's organelles work collectively in a unified manner to achieve the inclusive essentials of the cell. For instance, in a mitochondria cell's, the biochemical reactions send energy from pyruvate molecules and fatty acids into a molecule rich in energy called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

IT Manager Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT Manager Interview Assignment - Essay Example In his present position as Senior Manager, Corporate Projects, he manages software development projects of all corporate clients. He heads a team of twelve project managers and other ICT professionals under him. 1. Ours is basically a software development company. We develop customized software for our clients. My job is to manage software development projects from our corporate clients. It is my responsibility to ensure that all projects for corporate clients are executed smoothly and delivered and implemented within deadline. I have to ensure quality of the end products and see that the product meets all the projected needs of the client. 2. Our projects involve software development. We develop web-based management information systems, inventory systems, monitoring systems and work flow systems. We also have to take up content development for all the information systems we develop. In fact, software development and content development has to go hand-in-hand for the successful development and implementation of any customized software product. This is one aspect that I try to communicate to all our clients. Keeping software development and content development apart can result in major mismatch between software and content in actual implementation. So we prefer to do customized software development simultaneously with the required content development for the software. We also take up web portal development for our corporate clients. Here, I would like to differentiate between software development and web content development. In software development we work purely for the development of a software-base information system on a definite development platform. The information system may be web enabled. In web portal development, it is an entirely web-based exercise where the entire effort is concentrated on keeping up the web presence. There is an essential difference in priorities. 3. Even though

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Overview of the Production Possibility Curve

Overview of the Production Possibility Curve Production Possibility Curve Production possibility curve is the curve that show the combination of two item or services that can be produce in the market in a certain amount of time provided that all other eternal factor that can effect the curve are kept constant such as, labour, technology land and capital. The curve shows the production between two item and how much can we produce with the current resources or technology. As the title says ‘possibility’ which also means that with this much of resources, how much of item can it produce or achieve. There are 3 types of production possibility curve which are straight-line sloping down, concave and convex curve. The first type of curve has a constant negative gradient or constant ratio which also means that as one item/good decreases by one, the other item/good will increase by one, and it will always be constant. Which also means that its opportunity cost will be always constant. But this type of curve is not realistic because it cannot represent the market/economy. The second type of curve is known as concave curve, it has increasing ratio as moving on the curve which also means that we need to decrease more of a item/good to produce more of the good and the decreasing number will keep increase as a sacrifice for another item/good. Which also means that the opportunity cost will keep increasing. Thus this graph is also knows as increasing opportunity curve. This type of curve is more realistic and it represent the whole market or economy. The last type of curve is known as convex curve, it has decreasing ratio as moving on the curve which is also means that we need to decrease less of a item/good to produce more of a good and the decreasing number will keep decrease as moving along the curve. Which is also means that the opportunity cost will keep decreasing. Thus the graph is also known as decreasing opportunity curve. This type of curve does not really exist in the real life economy, some says that in agriculture, this type of curve does exist but mostly it is not. Assumptions of the Production Possibility Curve There are assumption on the production possibility curve because the curve is not a live feed as the market always changes and it also could not show every possible detail of the market so we will have to keep it short and simple while still able to represent the market. There are four assumption of the production possibility curve which are assumption of two goods/items, constant resources, constant technology and efficiency. The first assumption is that the curve assumed that the market/economy only have two goods/items or that the goods/items will represent the whole market/economy. This way we could define or assume the economy from the curve, because the two goods/items simplify the economy thus we only could interpret the economy because in reality there are too many goods/items to take into account or it is impossible to take everything into one curve. In conclusion this assumption of the two goods simplify the market/economy so that we could monitor the changes and the stands of the market/economy. The next or second assumption is that the resources that is supply to the economy is constant or fixed. Resources will always change but we cannot use the real amount of resources to construct the production possibility curve, we will need to resources to be constant to construct the production possibility curve. Due to it constant resources at a time, we could use it to compare with another amount of resources at another time, with this we could analyse the increase in resources or decrease in resources. The third assumption is quite similar to the second one as it assumed the technology is constant. This is an assumption of how well or how much the tools and machineries will produce goods/items given the same amount of resources. It can be seen when a tool or machine produces 10 cake with 10 kg of flour while another tool with a higher or more advanced technology produces 10 cake with 5kg of flour or produces 20 cake with 10 kg of flour. This technological advancement will cause the production possibility curve to change and technology advances everyday thus we need to make it constant. Similar to the assumption of the constant resources, we can use it as comparison as shown is the example, we can use the amount of goods/items produce to compare because is the technology advances, more goods/items will be produce and the other way when the technology degrades. The last assumption is the efficiency, the production possibility curve assume that all the resources are utilize fully but in reality the resources are never been utilize fully. This can be seen where the some labour have no motivation or heart to work and work at its fullest. This is the hardest factor to control so the possibility of the labour force will be fully utilize is very less. There are times when the machineries are old and did not sent for maintenance which will cause the efficiency of the production to drop which will be another factor to contribute to efficiency cannot be fully achieved. Thus it assumed that the work force is fully utilize and no waste of resources to produce the production possibility curve. Opportunity Cost Production Possibility Curve A Opportunity cost is the cost or expenses needed to be given or sacrifice to gain something, like the production possibility curve A above, we can produce either guns or butter but to increase the production of one type of goods/item we need to decrease the other, for example now we are producing at point A and we want to produce more of butter so we decided to shift our production to B, when our production for butter increases, at the same time we need to decrease the guns production in exchange because of scarcity. There are 3 type of opportunity cost which are increasing opportunity cost, constant opportunity cost and decreasing opportunity cost. Production possibility curve A shows increasing opportunity cost which can be seen at between point AB and Point CD, to increase the production of butter by 10, the quantity of guns needed to be reduced by 5 but as going down the curve like point C and D, to increase the production of butter by 10, the production of 50 guns need to be reduced. From that we can say it is increasing opportunity cost because the opportunity cost increase as going down the curve from 5 to 50 to produce the same amount of butter. Unemployment Unemployment in terms of business refers to a situation whereby a graduate or a working age adult fails to get a job. There are many types of unemployment, which includes classical, cyclical, structural, frictional, hidden and long-term. This problem would bring about negative impact in the long run to the country’s economic growth. In terms of economics, unemployment is defined as the wastage of resources in a production. When this occurs the economy would not be able to reach the production possibility curve which is a result of any point that appears INSIDE the curve. This can be further illustrated by the production possibility curve whereby the point which shows unemployment is at Point D which is located INSIDE the curve. At this point the resources are not fully used in the production of goods but would still attainable. Point A, B and C on the other hand achieve full employment in the production of capital goods and consumer goods.In addition to this, point E is an example of the production that is unattainable based on the current advancement of technology and resources. There are many ways to improve the production possibility curve in order for all the resources to be fully utilized. The government would provide insurance, compensation, and subsidies to aid in restraining of the demand. Besides, the labor market is never 100% efficient, therefore, the minimum wage policy should be reconsidered and the power of unions should be reduced at the same time. This would then improve the economic in the long run. Economic Growth Economic growth can be easily defined as the output shift of the production possibility curve due to the rise of the economy over a certain period or an increase in the production due the fully utilization of scare resources. This shift on then production possibility curve shows that the economy has successfully increased its capacity to produce more. The few factors that contribute to the economic growth is the advancement in technology, the increase in man power, the discovery of new production methods as well as raw materials. When there is an advance in technology, the production of goods or services would be more efficient. For example in countries like China, the rapid economic growth is due to application of new technology to then manufacturing process. An economy would not be able to grow if there is an insufficient amount of resources allocated especially to the capital goods. Next, the increase of labor force is important to enable a more number of people to contribute physically in the production. A particular country allows specialization between the laborers to enable better quality and a well divided task to improve the productive capacity and to ensure to outward shift on the production possibility curve in the time to come. Over the years new production methods as well as raw materials are discovered to improve the economic growth of the country. For example the first usage of technology such as computers or other electronic gadgets to control the production methods such as robots has greatly improve the productivity of the economy and many other firms contributing to this economic growth. Alternative types of raw materials were introduced to ensure the continuous supply for the production of the good. Diffence Between Constant Opportunity Cost and Increasing Opportunity Cost Constant opportunity cost occurs when the production possibility curve is linear. The relationship between opportunity cost and quantity supplied is the same. Assuming that a factory wishes to increase their production of good T from 250 units to 500 units, the factory has to sacrifice 250 units of good R in order to increase the production of good T. Thus, the ratio between opportunity cost and quantity supplied is constant, 1:1. The production possibility curve of increasing opportunity cost is concave from its origin. Increasing opportunity cost means the more units of good T produced, the more the opportunity cost of good R. Assuming that the factory has to forgoes 20 units of good R so that the factory is able to produce 50 more units of good T. If the factory wishes to increase the production of good T from 100 units to 150 units, they have to let go 60 units of good R. In this case, it clearly shows us an increasing opportunity cost. Reference 2000. Assumption of Production Possibility Curve. 3 February 2015. Available from :,+production+possibilities 2014. Unemployment. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from : 2000. Unemployment. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from :,+production+possibilities 2015. Economic Growth. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from :