Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Research Study On A Literature Review Essay - 1400 Words

4.2 Research Hypothesis Hypothesis Researchers almost never conduct a study in an intellectual vacuum; their studies are usually under taken within the context of an existing knowledge base. It helps to lay the foundation for the study and also inspire new research idea. Hypothesis in other words is an assumption for the research, the researchers organizes his or her ideas and critically thinks what could be the reasons for the stated research questions; thinking of the reasons or possible causal is referred to as hypothesis. Generally hypothesis give cruel before the study starts and the results of the study will be directed to confirm or reject the stated hypothesis. 4.3 Literature review: A literature review is a summary about previous studies on the topic, Conducted at the same time as defining the research question Why conduct a literature review? – Helps ensure that your research is new – Identifies what is known and not known about the topic – Helps frame the research question properly – Suggests potential research designs The literature review outlines what is known about the topic, Identify what remains to be known about the topic and suggest how your research will help advance knowledge to address the problem. This serves as the basis of your RATIONALE which justifies what the researcher does. 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