Tuesday, October 29, 2019

IT Manager Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT Manager Interview Assignment - Essay Example In his present position as Senior Manager, Corporate Projects, he manages software development projects of all corporate clients. He heads a team of twelve project managers and other ICT professionals under him. 1. Ours is basically a software development company. We develop customized software for our clients. My job is to manage software development projects from our corporate clients. It is my responsibility to ensure that all projects for corporate clients are executed smoothly and delivered and implemented within deadline. I have to ensure quality of the end products and see that the product meets all the projected needs of the client. 2. Our projects involve software development. We develop web-based management information systems, inventory systems, monitoring systems and work flow systems. We also have to take up content development for all the information systems we develop. In fact, software development and content development has to go hand-in-hand for the successful development and implementation of any customized software product. This is one aspect that I try to communicate to all our clients. Keeping software development and content development apart can result in major mismatch between software and content in actual implementation. So we prefer to do customized software development simultaneously with the required content development for the software. We also take up web portal development for our corporate clients. Here, I would like to differentiate between software development and web content development. In software development we work purely for the development of a software-base information system on a definite development platform. The information system may be web enabled. In web portal development, it is an entirely web-based exercise where the entire effort is concentrated on keeping up the web presence. There is an essential difference in priorities. 3. Even though

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Overview of the Production Possibility Curve

Overview of the Production Possibility Curve Production Possibility Curve Production possibility curve is the curve that show the combination of two item or services that can be produce in the market in a certain amount of time provided that all other eternal factor that can effect the curve are kept constant such as, labour, technology land and capital. The curve shows the production between two item and how much can we produce with the current resources or technology. As the title says ‘possibility’ which also means that with this much of resources, how much of item can it produce or achieve. There are 3 types of production possibility curve which are straight-line sloping down, concave and convex curve. The first type of curve has a constant negative gradient or constant ratio which also means that as one item/good decreases by one, the other item/good will increase by one, and it will always be constant. Which also means that its opportunity cost will be always constant. But this type of curve is not realistic because it cannot represent the market/economy. The second type of curve is known as concave curve, it has increasing ratio as moving on the curve which also means that we need to decrease more of a item/good to produce more of the good and the decreasing number will keep increase as a sacrifice for another item/good. Which also means that the opportunity cost will keep increasing. Thus this graph is also knows as increasing opportunity curve. This type of curve is more realistic and it represent the whole market or economy. The last type of curve is known as convex curve, it has decreasing ratio as moving on the curve which is also means that we need to decrease less of a item/good to produce more of a good and the decreasing number will keep decrease as moving along the curve. Which is also means that the opportunity cost will keep decreasing. Thus the graph is also known as decreasing opportunity curve. This type of curve does not really exist in the real life economy, some says that in agriculture, this type of curve does exist but mostly it is not. Assumptions of the Production Possibility Curve There are assumption on the production possibility curve because the curve is not a live feed as the market always changes and it also could not show every possible detail of the market so we will have to keep it short and simple while still able to represent the market. There are four assumption of the production possibility curve which are assumption of two goods/items, constant resources, constant technology and efficiency. The first assumption is that the curve assumed that the market/economy only have two goods/items or that the goods/items will represent the whole market/economy. This way we could define or assume the economy from the curve, because the two goods/items simplify the economy thus we only could interpret the economy because in reality there are too many goods/items to take into account or it is impossible to take everything into one curve. In conclusion this assumption of the two goods simplify the market/economy so that we could monitor the changes and the stands of the market/economy. The next or second assumption is that the resources that is supply to the economy is constant or fixed. Resources will always change but we cannot use the real amount of resources to construct the production possibility curve, we will need to resources to be constant to construct the production possibility curve. Due to it constant resources at a time, we could use it to compare with another amount of resources at another time, with this we could analyse the increase in resources or decrease in resources. The third assumption is quite similar to the second one as it assumed the technology is constant. This is an assumption of how well or how much the tools and machineries will produce goods/items given the same amount of resources. It can be seen when a tool or machine produces 10 cake with 10 kg of flour while another tool with a higher or more advanced technology produces 10 cake with 5kg of flour or produces 20 cake with 10 kg of flour. This technological advancement will cause the production possibility curve to change and technology advances everyday thus we need to make it constant. Similar to the assumption of the constant resources, we can use it as comparison as shown is the example, we can use the amount of goods/items produce to compare because is the technology advances, more goods/items will be produce and the other way when the technology degrades. The last assumption is the efficiency, the production possibility curve assume that all the resources are utilize fully but in reality the resources are never been utilize fully. This can be seen where the some labour have no motivation or heart to work and work at its fullest. This is the hardest factor to control so the possibility of the labour force will be fully utilize is very less. There are times when the machineries are old and did not sent for maintenance which will cause the efficiency of the production to drop which will be another factor to contribute to efficiency cannot be fully achieved. Thus it assumed that the work force is fully utilize and no waste of resources to produce the production possibility curve. Opportunity Cost Production Possibility Curve A Opportunity cost is the cost or expenses needed to be given or sacrifice to gain something, like the production possibility curve A above, we can produce either guns or butter but to increase the production of one type of goods/item we need to decrease the other, for example now we are producing at point A and we want to produce more of butter so we decided to shift our production to B, when our production for butter increases, at the same time we need to decrease the guns production in exchange because of scarcity. There are 3 type of opportunity cost which are increasing opportunity cost, constant opportunity cost and decreasing opportunity cost. Production possibility curve A shows increasing opportunity cost which can be seen at between point AB and Point CD, to increase the production of butter by 10, the quantity of guns needed to be reduced by 5 but as going down the curve like point C and D, to increase the production of butter by 10, the production of 50 guns need to be reduced. From that we can say it is increasing opportunity cost because the opportunity cost increase as going down the curve from 5 to 50 to produce the same amount of butter. Unemployment Unemployment in terms of business refers to a situation whereby a graduate or a working age adult fails to get a job. There are many types of unemployment, which includes classical, cyclical, structural, frictional, hidden and long-term. This problem would bring about negative impact in the long run to the country’s economic growth. In terms of economics, unemployment is defined as the wastage of resources in a production. When this occurs the economy would not be able to reach the production possibility curve which is a result of any point that appears INSIDE the curve. This can be further illustrated by the production possibility curve whereby the point which shows unemployment is at Point D which is located INSIDE the curve. At this point the resources are not fully used in the production of goods but would still attainable. Point A, B and C on the other hand achieve full employment in the production of capital goods and consumer goods.In addition to this, point E is an example of the production that is unattainable based on the current advancement of technology and resources. There are many ways to improve the production possibility curve in order for all the resources to be fully utilized. The government would provide insurance, compensation, and subsidies to aid in restraining of the demand. Besides, the labor market is never 100% efficient, therefore, the minimum wage policy should be reconsidered and the power of unions should be reduced at the same time. This would then improve the economic in the long run. Economic Growth Economic growth can be easily defined as the output shift of the production possibility curve due to the rise of the economy over a certain period or an increase in the production due the fully utilization of scare resources. This shift on then production possibility curve shows that the economy has successfully increased its capacity to produce more. The few factors that contribute to the economic growth is the advancement in technology, the increase in man power, the discovery of new production methods as well as raw materials. When there is an advance in technology, the production of goods or services would be more efficient. For example in countries like China, the rapid economic growth is due to application of new technology to then manufacturing process. An economy would not be able to grow if there is an insufficient amount of resources allocated especially to the capital goods. Next, the increase of labor force is important to enable a more number of people to contribute physically in the production. A particular country allows specialization between the laborers to enable better quality and a well divided task to improve the productive capacity and to ensure to outward shift on the production possibility curve in the time to come. Over the years new production methods as well as raw materials are discovered to improve the economic growth of the country. For example the first usage of technology such as computers or other electronic gadgets to control the production methods such as robots has greatly improve the productivity of the economy and many other firms contributing to this economic growth. Alternative types of raw materials were introduced to ensure the continuous supply for the production of the good. Diffence Between Constant Opportunity Cost and Increasing Opportunity Cost Constant opportunity cost occurs when the production possibility curve is linear. The relationship between opportunity cost and quantity supplied is the same. Assuming that a factory wishes to increase their production of good T from 250 units to 500 units, the factory has to sacrifice 250 units of good R in order to increase the production of good T. Thus, the ratio between opportunity cost and quantity supplied is constant, 1:1. The production possibility curve of increasing opportunity cost is concave from its origin. Increasing opportunity cost means the more units of good T produced, the more the opportunity cost of good R. Assuming that the factory has to forgoes 20 units of good R so that the factory is able to produce 50 more units of good T. If the factory wishes to increase the production of good T from 100 units to 150 units, they have to let go 60 units of good R. In this case, it clearly shows us an increasing opportunity cost. Reference 2000. Assumption of Production Possibility Curve. 3 February 2015. Available from : http://www.amosweb.com/cgi-bin/awb_nav.pl?s=wpdc=dspk=assumptions,+production+possibilities 2014. Unemployment. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from : https://www.boundless.com/economics/textbooks/boundless-economics-textbook/unemployment-22/definitions-102/defining-unemployment-388-12485/ 2000. Unemployment. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from : http://www.amosweb.com/cgi-bin/awb_nav.pl?s=wpdc=dspk=unemployment,+production+possibilities 2015. Economic Growth. Viewed on 7 February 2015. Available from : http://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Competitive_markets/Economic_growth.html

Friday, October 25, 2019

Second Language Acquisition in Childhood Essay -- Language

Children acquire their native language, which fall within a wide range of languages, at a very early stage of development. During development, a child begins to show signs of verbal communication, usually starting out as cooing, babbling, recognizable words, and later two or more word sentences. This occurrence is also seen in the development of second languages. Second language acquisition is the study of how second languages are typically developed. The process of acquiring our native language is very similar and influential to the development of a second language. The development of a second language has become increasingly popular throughout the world. Today more people are growing up with appropriate resources to acquire a second language, which can be seen from the vast numbers of bilingual individuals. As previously stated, â€Å"Second language acquisition is the study of how an additional language is developed within a child’s life† (Gass & Selinker, 2008). According to researchers David and Wei (2008) â€Å"evidence seems to suggest that bilingual children’s language development is by and large the same as that of monolingual children†(p.599), meaning these children go through the same process beginning with babbling, followed by one-word sentences and progressing towards a more develop multiword stage. They way in which a child develops his/her first language becomes a guide for the development of a second language. Children may use their language skills acquired during L1 (first language) learning to help them obtain foreign languages. Research has shown that â€Å"both L1 and L2 are tools that serve complementary and sometimes overlapping functions† (Kohnert, 2008). Whether to use first language verse second language m... ... Acquisition vs. Learning of a Second Language: English Negation. Philologica Jassyensia, 5(2), 89-94. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. David, A., & Wei, L. (2008). Individual differences in the lexical development of French-English bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11(5), 598-618. doi:10.2167/beb478.0 Gass, S. M., & Selinker, L. (2008). Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. Google Books. Retrieved April 14, 2011, from http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=fhnbMj597-4C&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=second Kayser, H. (2004). Biliteracy and Second-Language Learners. The ASHA Leader. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from http://www.asha.org/Publication Kohnert, K. (2008). Second Language Acquisition: Success Factors in Sequential Bilingualism. The ASHA Leader. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from http://www.asha.org/Publication

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comparative Analysis of Devlin and Mill Essay

It can be assumed that if J.S. Mill and Lord Devlin ever coexisted some intoxicating deliberations regarding the role of morality in society would transpire. However, time has a peculiar habit of erecting boundaries amid centuries, allowing us only to presume discourse between the contemporary and the historical. Consequentially, each individual has an obligation to formulate his or her own appraisal established through the logistic unification of the particular instant and one’s own conception of idealistic righteousness. But the acquisition of an infallible and tangible philosophy with universal application would be as obstinate to create as it would to fathom. In such regard, the apparatus on which debate must rest is well constructed. If each were to believe in the intricate purity of his inspiration than no philosophy but his own would be received. It is subsequently the responsibility of that creature to sell his faculty, ensuing the continued survival of dispute. It is the function of this formula to patiently arrive at a conciliated truth in which the majority of a society can divulge. If the perceived truth were to have an impact on the thirst and fertility of an entire society than it would be in that institution’s interest to create a fountain from which everyone could drink. It is this motive that has justifiably birthed meticulous curiosity in the works of both Lord Devlin and John Stuart Mill, each of whom have crafted disparate cures for the perils of harm in society, but neither of whom have succeeded in absorbing the values of the other. However, to adequately dissect values there must first be an ample understanding of the beliefs of each party concerned, only then can one interpret the mutual ethics from the personal. Mill perceives only one instance in which society is justified in interfering with or limiting the freedoms of its adult members, that being to prevent harm to others. Though Mill would also claim that not all harm could rationalize intruding on an individual’s freedom, the harm must overshadow the liberty being reduced. Additionally, Mill introduces two forms of harm, direct and indirect. Direct harm occurs when the actions of one member of a society has a negative impact on another as a result of that individuals  behavior. Consequently, Mill would argue that a mugger has had a direct harm on his victim because the outcome of the event was immediate and detrimental. Indirect harm is habitually tolerable because most acts can affect others; accordingly, if the act has a detrimental effect on others but only as being consequential of the affect of the individual on himself, it is justifiable. For instance, if a man chooses to remain in ill health rather than obtain appropriate medical assistance, he is detrimental to society, but only as a result of him harming himself. This is distinguishable as indirectly harmful because there was an intermediate source of the harm, that being the man’s preference. Contrary to Mill, Devlin would categorize this form of indirect harm as immoral and injurious to society as a whole. While Mill argues that harmless actions, such as a man choosing ill health rather than being a productive member of a society must not be the subject of social coercion, Devlin would assert that the harmless action is in actuality damaging societies moral composition, requiring it to be made the subject of social control. Stressed by Devlin is the belief that â€Å"†¦there are certain standards of behavior or moral principles which society requires to be observed; and the breach of them is an offense not merely against the person who is injured but against society as a whole.† In context we find the incongruity. Mill approaches the permissibility of regulating personal liberties only as an edict to preventing harm, never consenting to use the regulation of liberty to enforce morals. In contrast, Devlin’s tactic is to implement a moral principle to help protect society from itself, trusting that without this principle there would be social disintegration. Moreover Devlin asserts that moral legislation is crucial to maintain a social bond. He maintains that society has a right to protect its own existence by barring behavior that threatens that existence. This is distinctly divergent from Mill’s perceptions on paternalism. Mill claimed that there must be unconditional rejection of paternalism by the state, only invalidated to prevent persons from selling themselves into slavery. Reinforcing his case Mill argued that paternalistic intervention is unlikely to work because an individual is acutely more aware of his or her own needs than the state is. Additionally, he argued that it is improbable  compulsion would work. This can also be taken into account in the form of liberty. Mill alleges that an autonomous life has more value than a life of dependency, since one cannot be forced to be autonomous paternalism has a damaging effect on an individual. As a contemporarily relevant issue, Devlin indirectly delivers his rebuttal to paternalism by embodying a stance on homosexuality. He defends societies right to protect its own existence by vetoing behavior that threatens its sustainability, since homosexuality is detrimental to society that union has a right to prohibit it. This is consistent with Devlin’s definition of â€Å"tangible harm†, described as a harm that instigates a diminution of the physical strength of society. When practiced in trivial quantities these activities can be harmless, however as its participants grow it has a linear effect on its harm. In accordance, he also argues that â€Å"unrestricted indulgence in vice† will weaken an individual to the extent that he ceases to be a useful member of society and society itself will deteriorate in the event that a sufficient number of its members are plagued by vice. However, the tangible harm that certain forms of conduct allegedly cause is restricted to the applicability of that behavior’s breach to the shared morality. If homosexuality is injurious to society it is so regardless of whether it violates the shared morality or not. In conjunction with this notion, Mill would affix his fundamental belief that this individual’s decision to practice homosexua lity is impartial because it is a sovereign decision. Mill asserts, â€Å"If a person possess a tolerable amount of common sense and experience, his own mode of laying out his existence is the best, not because it is the best in itself but because it is his own mode.† Likewise, if it is generally believed that sexual immorality will effectively cause the collapse of a society there may be validation for suppressing this deviant conduct but individual freedom prevents us from accepting this. If the repression of seemingly deviant acts were the norm there would exist an agency to justify intolerances founded on, among many others, religion and race. Mill would also note that it allocates a leeway to repressing self-regarding actions, which include liberty of conscience and expression, tastes and pursuits and liberty of association. Besides the value of the self-regarding sphere, Mill stresses the importance of freedom of expression, which in proviso to Devlin, is capable in itself of tugging at the societal nit. Devlin has suggested that society is a culturally elastic entity that persists through various changes in social mores, owing to his elastic principles it can be argued that he has a general tolerance for individual freedom. However, he rejects Mill’s perception of freedom on the basis that he has an idealistic picture of human beings. He professes that Mill holds an earnest view of an individual conscientiously doing what he thinks is right regardless of the acceptance of his behavior. This is easily categorized as Mill’s claim to freedom of expression. According to Mill, opinions or beliefs cannot be suppressed for the reason that they are among other things immoral or shocking, the only validity for suppression is if they are harmful. As Devlin has claimed, â€Å"†¦freedom of action follows naturally on [freedom of expression]; men must be allowed to do what they are allowed to talk about doing†¦what Mill visualizes is people doing things he himself would disapprove of, but doing them earnestly and openly and after thought and discussion†¦This seems to me on the whole an idealistic picture.† But Devlin believes this is seldom true of those who violate the shared morality of society. He believes that most individuals acknowledge the fallibility of their conduct but continue it for lust and money. He believes, â€Å"Freedom to do what you know to be bad is worthless.† However, a person may breach the values of his society with the belief that those morals are not intrinsic and encompass various modes of conduct that he believes are morally permissible. If the action does not harm others the liberty to pursue ones own tastes and pursuits should be boundless. By this notion, vices are only such if they are acknowledged by those who engage in them. Mill reinforces his conviction against censorship by indicating that a censored opinion might be true, or if it is literally false may contain part of the truth, additionally, if it is entirely false, a censored opinion would prevent true opinions from becoming dogma and as a dogma an unchallenged truth will lose its meaning. An individual, as mentioned by Mill, is more inclined to pursue personal righteousness with unlimited access to the truth, which requires freedom of expression. As Devlin would concede, the pursuit of individual infallibility would coincide with the aspiration of a morally entrenched society. Although Devlin has the benefit of criticizing Mill’s assertions without the risk of rebuttal he has yet to disprove the accuracy of Mill’s libertarian approach. Devlin’s disputes address a number of Mill’s themes, including his harm principle, paternalism and freedom of expression, but fail to yield an internalized acceptance of their circular approach to discrediting one of philosophies nobles. Furthermore, Devlin’s disintegration thesis attempts to secede harm to society from harm to individuals, as such, his appeal to the concept of gross social injury could be viewed as an application of a public harm principle. As such, the cumulative effect of harm on a collective group of individuals has the capacity to cause a disturbance in public interest. Consequently, the incongruity between Mill and Devlin can be reduced to the acceptance that Mill embraces both public and private harm, while Devlin incorporates a deviant version of private impairment and a similar notion of public hurt. If, then, the claims made by Devlin are accurate, it can also be argued that Mill would support the legal enforcement of shared morality. As of yet society still covets the search for a public fountain, probing our faculties for the cure to all our vices, but refusing to accept the likelihood that there may never be enough water to satisfy every persons thirst.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


riters. The reason for this is because writers usually think of new interesting articles that will leave something to readers and will make an impression for them in order to become historical figures. I also feel they decided to become writers because of their upbringing and their beliefs which were implicit in their judgments. The main key to becoming individuals is to look at ourselves honestly and objectively (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This takes courage because it often involves abandoning wishful thinking and destroying cherished illusions about ourselves (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). So with this in mind I think they did this when they decided to become writers during their time. 5. In this class, we have discused common habits that hinder critical thinking. Which of these habits may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issues that led to the Boston Tea Party? How could they have overcome those habits? Some of the common habits that hinder critical thinking which may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issue that led to the Boston Tea Party are the mine is better and the face saving habits. The mine is better habit is a habit that is hard to break. It basically speaks for itself. So they may have thought that their view of the Boston Tea Party was better than anyone else’s. Then you have the face saving habits which like the mine is better habit, face saving habit is a natural tendency arising from our ego. This usually occurs after we have said or done something that threatens to disturb our self image or the image others have of us (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This is better know as the defense mechanism, meaning it is a strategy used to protect our image. This would be why they would have used this form of habit when critically thinking. Another common habit they may have used is resistance to change. Resistance to change is the tendency to reject new ideas and new ways of seeing or doing without examining them fairly. They may have used this in hindering their decision on how to write about the Boston Tea Party. 6. What is one important distinction you could not overlook making when critically evaluating the information provided in these materials about the Boston Tea Party? Clarify the importance of that distinction. 7. What strategies of critical reading, listening, and viewing did you utilize when evaluating the provided materials? 8. Considering what you have learned about the Boston Tea Party, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Hutchinson, apply your creativity to describe what could have been done proactively to avoid the incident. Hum111 riters. The reason for this is because writers usually think of new interesting articles that will leave something to readers and will make an impression for them in order to become historical figures. I also feel they decided to become writers because of their upbringing and their beliefs which were implicit in their judgments. The main key to becoming individuals is to look at ourselves honestly and objectively (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This takes courage because it often involves abandoning wishful thinking and destroying cherished illusions about ourselves (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). So with this in mind I think they did this when they decided to become writers during their time. 5. In this class, we have discused common habits that hinder critical thinking. Which of these habits may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issues that led to the Boston Tea Party? How could they have overcome those habits? Some of the common habits that hinder critical thinking which may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issue that led to the Boston Tea Party are the mine is better and the face saving habits. The mine is better habit is a habit that is hard to break. It basically speaks for itself. So they may have thought that their view of the Boston Tea Party was better than anyone else’s. Then you have the face saving habits which like the mine is better habit, face saving habit is a natural tendency arising from our ego. This usually occurs after we have said or done something that threatens to disturb our self image or the image others have of us (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This is better know as the defense mechanism, meaning it is a strategy used to protect our image. This would be why they would have used this form of habit when critically thinking. Another common habit they may have used is resistance to change. Resistance to change is the tendency to reject new ideas and new ways of seeing or doing without examining them fairly. They may have used this in hindering their decision on how to write about the Boston Tea Party. 6. What is one important distinction you could not overlook making when critically evaluating the information provided in these materials about the Boston Tea Party? Clarify the importance of that distinction. 7. What strategies of critical reading, listening, and viewing did you utilize when evaluating the provided materials? 8. Considering what you have learned about the Boston Tea Party, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Hutchinson, apply your creativity to describe what could have been done proactively to avoid the incident.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Only People Trained In The Military Should Be Able To Carry A Weapon †Creative Writing Essay

Only People Trained In The Military Should Be Able To Carry A Weapon – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers Only People Trained In The Military Should Be Able To Carry A Weapon Creative Writing Essay In this essay you will hear about the hardships of people who use guns. Guns should only be allowed in the hands of the right person. Now, how do we know who should be able to carry a gun We don’t! That this essay attempts to answer. As we get farther on into this essay, I will expose you to the horrors and goodness of guns and what they do to people like us. I say that people should be allowed to carry a gun if trained in the military. They would be trained to know the proper procedures for firing a gun and so no one would get hurt. For everybody who wants to use a gun, there is a way to tell who is good and who is bad. Drop them in the middle of a scenario. Tell them they are in the desert and that this city-sized place is a holding location for them. Set up fake contacts for anything illegal and whoever takes the bait can not be trusted. The other side of the argument is that people say â€Å"but how do you know who can be trusted.† People would also make a big fuss with the government and protest for making a fake city that costs so much money. There would be a bigger black market in weapons because of the rarity of them. So to end my argument and I stand firmly and fully by it, I truly believe that if trained by the military we should be able to use weapons. You see, I believe in what the military stands for: strength, power, and quality, not what it does. In the end, everything is harmful if used in the wrong way, from leaves, to a feather, to a stick. All of them can be used as a weapon and used to create death. Research Papers on Only People Trained In The Military Should Be Able To Carry A Weapon - Creative Writing EssayCapital PunishmentComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoGenetic EngineeringThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayThe Hockey GameNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraStandardized TestingAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2

Monday, October 21, 2019


TO CLONE OR NOT TO CLONE- A RESPONSE TO JONATHAN COLVIN essays I have often wondered what I would be like if certain things in my checkered past had not occurred. What would I be like if I had been brought up in a stable environment or had gone to a different school, or not walked out the door on a specific day? What ifs of life that if we actually sat and thought about them all would drive us insane. This is the reason why human cloning interests me so greatly. The ability to clone gives rise to the creation of a rather diabolical plan- to create a copy of yourself and plot its life course so that everything you wished had happened to you would happen to it and see what kind of person you'd be, or wouldn't be. Would such a plan even be possible to carry out? Animal cloning has produced some remarkable results within the last few years, which has suggested to some that there should be a way to produce a human clone within the next year. Many news articles have appeared recently highlighting the potential to clone a human baby in order to replace a loved one who died. In Me, my clone, and I- or in defense of human cloning published by American Humanist Association, Jonathan Colvin states that many of the attitudes concerning human cloning are reminiscent of the arguments against in vitro fertilization in the 1960s when accusations of playing God and interfering with nature were common. First, Colvin expresses his opinion on the issue by stating the result of his own impromptu survey of friends and strangers. Then the author argues that clones are found in nature, in the form of identical twins, and that there is nothing wrong to make the deliberate ones. He believes that human cloning does not go against nature or God creation because clo ned people are unique and have their own personalities. Furthermore, says Colvin, human biological evolution has become meaningless compared to cultural evolution . Next, he talks about his dream to clone himself because he has cystic fibr...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Anna Pavlova

Anna Pavlova Dates: January 31 (February 12 in the new calendar), 1881 - January 23, 1931 Occupation: dancer, Russian ballerinaKnown for: Anna Pavlova is especially remembered for her portrayal of a swan, in The Dying Swan.Also known as: Anna Matveyevna Pavlova or Anna Pavlovna Pavlova Anna Pavlova Biography: Anna Pavlova, born in Russia in 1881, was the daughter of a laundry-woman. Her father may have been a young Jewish soldier and businessman; she took the last name of her mothers later husband who likely adopted her when she was about three years old. When she saw The Sleeping Beauty performed, Anna Pavlova decided to become a dancer, and entered the Imperial Ballet School at ten. She worked very hard there, and on graduation began to perform at the Maryinsky (or Mariinsky) Theatre, debuting on September 19, 1899. In 1907, Anna Pavlova began her first tour, to Moscow, and by 1910 was appearing at the Metropolitan Opera House in America. She settled in England in 1912. When, in 1914, she was traveling through Germany on her way to England when Germany declared war on Russia, her connection to Russia was for all intents broken. For the rest of her life, Anna Pavlova toured the world with her own company and kept a home in London, where her exotic pets were constant company when she was there. Victor Dandrà ©, her manager, was also her companion, and may have been her husband; she herself distracted from clear answers on that. While her contemporary, Isadora Duncan, introduced revolutionary innovations to dance, Anna Pavlova remained largely committed to the classic style. She was known for her daintiness, frailness, lightness and both wittiness and pathos. Her last world tour was in 1928-29 and her last performance in England in 1930. Anna Pavlova appeared in a few silent films: one, The Immortal Swan, she shot in 1924 but it was not shown until after her death it originally toured theaters in 1935-1936 in special showings, then was released more generally in 1956. Anna Pavlova died of pleurisy in the Netherlands in 1931, having refused to have surgery, reportedly declaring, If I cant dance then Id rather be dead. Print Bibliography - Biographies and Dance Histories: Algeranoff. My Years With Pavlova. 1957.Beaumont, Cyril. Anna Pavlova. 1932.Dandrà ©, Victor. Anna Pavlova in Art and Life. 1932.Fonteyn, Margo. Pavlova: Repertoire of a Legend. 1980.Franks, A. H., editor. Pavlova: A Biography. 1956.Kerensky, Oleg. Anna Pavlova. London, 1973.Gaevsky, Vadim. The Russian Ballet - A Russian World: Russian Ballet from Anna Pavlova to Rudolf Nureyev. 1997.Krasovskaya, Vera. Anna Pavlova. 1964.Krasovskaya, Vera. Russian Ballet Theatre at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century vol. 2. 1972.Money, Keith. Anna Pavlova: Her Life and Art. 1982.Lazzarini, John and Roberta. Pavlova. 1980.Magriel, Paul. Pavlova. 1947.Valerian, Svetlov. Anna Pavlova. London, 1930.International Dictionary of Ballet. 1993. Includes an inclusive list of her roles and a more complete bibliography. Print Bibliography - Childrens Books: Anna Pavlova. I Dreamed I Was a Ballerina. Illustrated by Edgar Degas. Ages 4-8.Allman, Barbara. Dance of the Swan: A Story About Anna Pavlova (A Creative Minds Biography). Illustrated by Shelly O. Haas. Ages 4-8.Levine, Ellen. Anna Pavlova: Genius of the Dance. 1995.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Markting 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Markting 3000 - Essay Example For example, IPhone functions depend on the mobile network such as GSM, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, Call, SMS etc. Without these features there is not much use of IPhone and hence by distributing IPhone through AT & T, Apple is enhancing the value and use of IPhone for consumers. Similarly, the value chain for customers buying online is that segment of market which resides outside the USA. Hence, they cannot use AT & T in their country, so it much feasible for them to buy IPhone online and use it in their country on their choice of mobile network. The value they get from buying online is cheaper product as compared to if it bought from AT & T. The return value channel will be reselling IPhone back to Apple, which will refurbish them and then sell them again in the market at a higher price. The reverse value will be that when people buy refurbish sets they will know that the product is being checked by Apple itself and hence it will be more reliable than other second hand IPhones available in the market. This will result in refurbished IPhones selling at a higher price as result of reverse

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Many Faces of Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Many Faces of Affirmative Action - Essay Example The concept of compensatory justice for wrongs that were committed against a race of people on a massive scale is a part of the American tradition. America has a long history of reparations regarding the Japanese in World War II, Native Americans, and General Sherman's promise of 40 acres to the freed slaves at the end of the Civil War (Burch, 2008, p.121). As moral agents, citizens not only have an obligation to compensate those that have been wronged by society, "it would be unjust to prevent [them] from living up to [their] responsibilities" (Radzik, 2003, p.328). In addition, it gives the African Americans a fast track to catch up to the society that had left them behind centuries earlier. Catching up in the free market of education or employment cannot be done when a person is severely disadvantaged, and Affirmative Action simply removes the disadvantage. By 1965, the white dominant class had a near monopoly on education, the professions, and upward mobility. Affirmative Action helped to break this stronghold and presented opportunities to the African Americans that were previously excluded due to unfair competition. Supreme Court briefs filed by executives and retired military officers argued that "the United States cannot compete in today's global economy, or maintain an effective military, without racially diverse business and military leaders" (Foner, 2003, p.5). By introducing these additional women and minorities into the marketplace for education, it has improved the quality of the educational system, the students, and our global status. Giving women and minorities an advantage in gaining an education has been instrumental in breaking the cycle of poverty and the destiny of culture. Young people, who had little or no cultural capital, and no family tradition of higher education, would be doomed to repeat the life of poverty and continue the struggle endured by their parents. Though there has been some progress made, there is still a significant gap in representation in the professions such as the legal field (Tatum, Nichols, and Ferguson, 2008, p.80). Still, Affirmative Action is the best, if not the only, hope that many of these people are given.

Essay1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Essay1 - Essay Example Take for instance the birth of a newborn baby in this world. Unlike wild animals, which learn how to survive on their own without their mother’s nursing and attention, human babies, require full attention of their mothers in order to survive. Take for instance a waterbuck calf. Once born, the calf learns how to walk in the first few hours. At the end of the first 24 hours, it knows how to jump and run about. The mother suckles it only for a few days before it begins to eat grass and other green vegetation for survival. One week later, the calf can entirely survive on its own without the help of the mother. The newborn calf will have to fend for itself. Contrary to this case, a human child cannot survive on its own without the mother’s milk, warmth and tender care a week after birth. This would be like a death sentence to the new child. In case of inevitable circumstances where the mother has to abandon the child, such as dying during childbirth, then the community has to take the sole responsibility of ensuring the well-being and development of the newborn baby until it is mature enough to survive on its own. Most human babies learn how to eat solid food in six months, learn how to move or walk in 8 to 12 months, and learn how to speak in 10 to 15 months. During this period, the child’s brain remains underdeveloped in such a way that he or she cannot make a cognitive decision on their own, and as such, require the assistance of their mothers, guardians, or the community around them to guess and provide the child what they might be needing. In his article â€Å"Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?† Stephen Marche surveys the recent research assessing our connectedness. According to Stephen, when suffering from loneliness, â€Å"Still, loneliness is slippery, a difficult state to define or diagnose†¦how often do you feel you lack companionship?† (18). this data creates an undisputed display of our instinctual need for connectedness.

Introduction and Presenting Of the Research Problem Essay

Introduction and Presenting Of the Research Problem - Essay Example Research suggests that, little contact time is available between educator and students to address issues of concern. The curriculum is packed and is driven by and through assessment, but time constraint has an influence on teaching and learning. This study aims to establish how blogging as a collaborative learning tool can increase effective communication and increase student academic achievement in mathematics. This study will also establish whether the peer-to-peer interaction will increase when working through mathematics problems via blogs. (Phillips, Norris, & Macnab,2010). The use of blogs in learning has benefits to students, teachers and other individuals involved in the learning process. Research has illustrated that blogs enhance more active participation and questioning by students, and deeper understanding of topics as a result of sharing facts and dialogues. Blogging has also increased commitment to quality by students when material is likely to be exposed to a wider aud ience. This has led to an increase in independent learning and the amount of work completed out of school hours. It also gives opportunities to the teacher to extend collaboration beyond the classroom to the wider school community and into students’ homes, improvi8ng the regularity of communication with parents (Hyung, 2008). Through blogs, students learn how to be considered and constructive when providing feedback on each other’s work via blogs. Blogging has also increased commitment to quality by students.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

GIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

GIS - Essay Example Inherent errors are normally witnessed in source data and documents. Operational errors on the other hand result from GIS manipulation functions and data capture. Possible operational errors sources include; digitizing human error, thematic maps areas mis-labelling, horizontal boundaries misplacement, classified error, human bias and inaccuracies in GIS algorithms. The main of GIS processing is to identify the possible error in data sources as well as minimizing the error amount resulting from the processing. Cost constraints make it easier to avoid errors rather than eliminating them afterwards. A GIS (geographical information system) is a tool that is computerised and is used for both mapping and analysis of existing geographical phenomenon and occurring events on the Earth surface. The technology behind GIS entails the integration of operations of common database like statistical and query analysis with exceptional geographical analysis and visualization benefits provided by maps. It is this ability that makes GIS stand out from the rest of information systems and makes it valuable to most of the private and public enterprises in predicting outcomes and explaining events strategy planning. Data accuracy mostly depends on the original input data quality as well as its precision when the data is being processed. This follows the many states in which inaccuracies and errors may occur within the GIS database. The most common sources of errors include; field measurement inaccuracies, use of equipments that are inaccurate, or in recoding procedures that are not correct. This implies that, higher accuracy calls for higher quality in the initial data and processing that is more precise. However, the two will increase the systems costs. Theoretically, the quality of GIS data is a comprise between the cost involved and the needs. Practically, the choice goes down to what is available at that time or what is acquirable in a reasonable cost or amount of time. The two wi ll determine the quality of working level of a given dataset. DIGITIZING Ð ND SCÐ NNING OF MÐ PS Maps are often scanned so as to make use digital data as their bases for other information on vector map as well as to have the scanned data converted to vector data which can be used in vector GIS. For scanning to be successful, the map to be scanned has to have clear defined text, lines and symbols; be of good quality, be free from extraneous strains and have their width lines being greater than 0.1 mm (Bolstad, 2005). The scanning process consists of binary encoding and scanning. In normal cases, scanning results in an 8-bit gray scale regular pixel.Pixels appear in columns and rows and every pixel coordinates are normally identified by the row and column number after which the number is converted to normal coordinates using transformation process. Now that maps that have been scanned do not have any information on the area structures or inner linear (Bolstad, 2005), it is impos sible to associate attributes to structures in an effort to define whether the landmark in question is a river or roads. Reclassification involving cells grouping can be conducted on the maps that have already been scanned. Maps that have been

Two years of a foreign language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Two years of a foreign language - Essay Example Learning foreign languages helps the students to get knowledge from the other countries, as they can read various materials written in different languages (Ircsd.org n.p). Such materials are in books, articles, and films that help them learn about other cultures and understand the world. Knowledge of other peoples’ cultures helps one to expand the horizons and be a responsible citizen. The students get to learn about grammar rules in various languages of the world, which help them in their cognitive process. A second language is important for the students who enjoy travelling, as it helps them to be more open-minded and social. Students who know more than one language can learn about other countries history and the current affairs of those countries compared to those who take only one language (Ircsd.org n.p). Taking at least two years in studying a foreign language by high school and college students is important as a way of promoting knowledge and enhancing communication amo ng the students. Students who study a second language in high school and college have greater chances of getting good jobs in reputable organizations compared to those who do not as noted in Ircsd.org in (n.p). After graduation, all graduates aim at securing a good job before furthering their studies. Due to the worlds integration and communication, proficiency in foreign language, especially English among other language-speaking people is of great importance in securing good jobs in international organizations. Most of the companies that advertise jobs cite a second language as an added advantage for candidates interested in those posts. Living in a foreign country can pose a challenge if one does not know the official language of that country; hence, students should do a foreign language during their high school and college level studies. Studying a foreign language by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

GIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

GIS - Essay Example Inherent errors are normally witnessed in source data and documents. Operational errors on the other hand result from GIS manipulation functions and data capture. Possible operational errors sources include; digitizing human error, thematic maps areas mis-labelling, horizontal boundaries misplacement, classified error, human bias and inaccuracies in GIS algorithms. The main of GIS processing is to identify the possible error in data sources as well as minimizing the error amount resulting from the processing. Cost constraints make it easier to avoid errors rather than eliminating them afterwards. A GIS (geographical information system) is a tool that is computerised and is used for both mapping and analysis of existing geographical phenomenon and occurring events on the Earth surface. The technology behind GIS entails the integration of operations of common database like statistical and query analysis with exceptional geographical analysis and visualization benefits provided by maps. It is this ability that makes GIS stand out from the rest of information systems and makes it valuable to most of the private and public enterprises in predicting outcomes and explaining events strategy planning. Data accuracy mostly depends on the original input data quality as well as its precision when the data is being processed. This follows the many states in which inaccuracies and errors may occur within the GIS database. The most common sources of errors include; field measurement inaccuracies, use of equipments that are inaccurate, or in recoding procedures that are not correct. This implies that, higher accuracy calls for higher quality in the initial data and processing that is more precise. However, the two will increase the systems costs. Theoretically, the quality of GIS data is a comprise between the cost involved and the needs. Practically, the choice goes down to what is available at that time or what is acquirable in a reasonable cost or amount of time. The two wi ll determine the quality of working level of a given dataset. DIGITIZING Ð ND SCÐ NNING OF MÐ PS Maps are often scanned so as to make use digital data as their bases for other information on vector map as well as to have the scanned data converted to vector data which can be used in vector GIS. For scanning to be successful, the map to be scanned has to have clear defined text, lines and symbols; be of good quality, be free from extraneous strains and have their width lines being greater than 0.1 mm (Bolstad, 2005). The scanning process consists of binary encoding and scanning. In normal cases, scanning results in an 8-bit gray scale regular pixel.Pixels appear in columns and rows and every pixel coordinates are normally identified by the row and column number after which the number is converted to normal coordinates using transformation process. Now that maps that have been scanned do not have any information on the area structures or inner linear (Bolstad, 2005), it is impos sible to associate attributes to structures in an effort to define whether the landmark in question is a river or roads. Reclassification involving cells grouping can be conducted on the maps that have already been scanned. Maps that have been

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 83

Assignment - Essay Example The trifecta can be best analyzed individually before a conclusion on their confluence can be made. For the case of Christian Zionist in United State, they are the ones that provide the financial support to the settler movement. Consequently, they will have no reason to appear morally superior by joining another group even if they are enemies, but have the same goal of defeating the Soviet Union (John and Walt 132-139). The Jewish Movement in Soviet Union is the one under siege, and they need to get themselves from the hook that the Soviets are not ready to necessitate. Any effort even from the enemy will be accepted liberate their struggles (Ro’i 11). Finally, the Islamic Jihad in Afghanistan had a problem with the elevation of the Soviet Jews by the United States that observe the Afghanistan day to support the rights of the Jews (R11110000). The confluence comes from a different perspective on the Soviet Jews and joins the three group into sharing the same goal even if they are adversaries. Since they share the same problem with different interest, the trifecta comes to one goal: to defeat Soviet Union. Ro’i, Yaacov. "Introduction: From Disaffection to Political Opportunity and Activism." Ro’i, Yaacov. In The Jewish Movement in the Soviet Union. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2012. 1-12.

Monday, October 14, 2019

China beer market competetor analysis

China beer market competetor analysis CHINA BEER MARKET COMPETETOR ANALYSIS Quick Over view: Aire Breweries plc. Is UK based beer marketing company that been selling premium beers. The company is enjoying fairly good market share. The beer market has become saturated due to intensive competition and in-line pricing strategies. The Aire Breweries plc. as a part of logical extension decided to enter Chinese market, where beer market is largest in the world next to USA. The Strategic Triangle- 3Cs: The strategic triangle proposed by Kenichi Ohmae states that any company success in long run pivots around 3factors: Corporation, Customers Competition. In construction of Business strategy above factors must be examined thoroughly to arrive at marketing plan. The Corporation: Aira Brewries is beer selling company selling beer brands like Hostenbech- European style lager beer, San Bernanardo Cameolet- British style dark bitter beer, Ark royal British style dark bitter beer, pot of gold- Irish style dark stout beer with premium price. The brands are promoted through super markets, fashionable markets, Up market city centre bars. The copany has high cost structure and has efficiency as its strength. The Customer: The proposed target market China is undoubtedly a large consumer market in the world and beer in particular. The vast spread of consumers with varied languages make MNCs experience the difficulty of convincing Chinese consumers. The competitors: In china due to liberalisation policy many MNCs are trying to make a mark in China market. The competition in china Beer markets is very intensive. China market expects to come up with cost effective products where local sellers have an edge over MNCs. San Miguel is one of top three selling brands in china and largest selling brand in china. Sabmiller is the world second largest selling has 47 breweries and operating in 13 provinces of China. Bud Light beer has bottom line structure. Various players include CBR Brewing company inc. china Food beverage company, China resource enterprise ltd., Fomento Economico Mexicano SA de CV, Scottish new castle, Fujian Yanjing Huiquan Brewing group Kirin Brewery Company Ltd., etc. Quick glance at China Economy: China has recorded 11.9% GDP growth rate accounts for $ US 3565 billion (USD 1 = RMB7) is a clear indication that Chinese have got fair standards of living and spending power of consumer has been remarkable Economic Indicators 2007 2006 GDP (RMB trillion) 24.7 21.1 Per capita GDP (RMB) 2,200 16.084 Per capita disposable income of urban households 13,786 11,759 Per capita Net income for rural households 4,140 3,587 Table: 1 Source: National Bureau of Statistics Market Opportunities threats in China: Due to vast population China will offers great opportunities for potential marketers, provided the market is analyzed and a feasible program is developed. The barriers usually for any MNCs are inadequate market data, inappropriate entry strategy. Poor access to supply chain, vast spread of geographical market, cultural differences etc. It is advocated to distinguish the gap between the developed and less developed markets. Uniform marketing strategy is not suitable in view of large market. The beer market is not similar every where; it is more of localized driven by local tastes and preferences. It could be defined as pool of regional markets. Domestic players will play dominant role and take maximum market share. But their presence is limited to maximum of 2% of national market. Majority of market share i.e. 45% is controlled by 4 players. Beer Market Scenario in China: The high spending level of consumers in China has lead to growth of Beer market in manifolds and ignited by Foreign Direct investment. China has now became largest national beer market in the world crossing USA. There were 4 companies in china and has grown to 60 by 2007. McKinsey Global institute has thrown light on newly emerging segment in the recent past- Urban Middle class who has been earning RMB 100000 ($12000) a year became a hot button to every beer marketer. Table 2 Year Million Liters Annual Growth (%) 2007 32035,83 10.04 2008 33459.42 4.44 2009 34 904.69 4.32 2010 36,371.42 4.20 2011 37.860.59 4.09 Source: http://www.globalbusinessinsights.com/content/rbaa0012m.pdf Growth of China Population Trends: It is a known fact that china is most populated country with 1321 millions as per 31 December 2007 comprise of 51% male 49 percent female. The population size makes china a land of opportunities driven by advanced technology usage while producing. Understanding Chinese Market Risk Element: Small Medium enterprise like Aire breweries may need to mobilize recourses to tap the potential of Chinese beer market. In this regard they have to analyse their strengths weaknesses. Most of MNCs fail because of the poor distribution system and failure to identify a piggy back partner. More over the law in china has been very stringent. Unless the marketer study the cultural aspects thoroughly it may lead to chaotic situation. Cultural aspects of China Market: Chinese consumers are very patriotic and do practice their culture meticulously. Due to strong socialistic approach they support local products. Foreign players may suffer from non-acceptance of their offering due to invisible influences of culture which cannot be demonstrated. Law at China: The china legal system is very complicated and frustrating to MNCs. The familiarity to china culture will facilitate the understanding of law. It is always better to have a local partner to promote the business and as a part of political risk (i.e. confiscation of assets or blockage of funds) handling mechanism Geographical Segmentation: It is wise to adapt Regio-centric approach or Multi Domestic approach to reach vast china market. Here subsidiary in each province of china has to devise their plan to suit the need Preferences of that region. This approach demand to have varied marketing mix with coordinated efforts of other territories. Demographic Profile of Consumers: China population (1341 millions male female ratio 51:49) has been multi-religious ranging from Buddhism, Taoism, Catholics, Protestantism, and Islam, interestingly deal business according to their religions and Socio-cultural values. Since ages Chinese companies have been transferring ancestral values to present generation which establish relationships refer to term â€Å"guan xi†. Relations drive the businesses to offer extent of product mix. Distribution of Population income wise: Table 3 Population (million) Gross National Income (Billion) Low Income 2512 10.20 Middle Income 2667 49.22 High Income 955 49.22 Source: US census Bureau, World Bank group, McKinsey analysis Marketing Mix: Product: China has been largest beer market but with different tastes across the nation. 500 ml and 750 ml are most preferred quantities served in bottles cans. The per capita consumption 18 ltrs has not been impressive when compared with USA (84 ltrs) UK (74 ltrs) per capita consumption. Aire Breweries need to develop localized tastes along with their premium brands. The test marketing will help company to know the preferences. Price: The beer in china market is sold at pretty cheap. 750 ml beer costs 25 cents. Locally made MNC brands Carlsberg and Pabst blue are also sold at fairly cheaper rates. Aire breweries plc., has to adapt bottom line pricing or inline pricing to get acces in the market Promotion: As many languages are used across china, mandarin is widely used language, it is a difficult task to develop a theme while advertising. Few MNCs failed to translate the essence of ad copy lead to waste. It may be advocated to be cautious to understand cultural dimensions while developing ad copy to rural folks Place (Distribution): The mechanism of distribution of beer products in China takes place via Distributors appointed by Manufacturers in turn retailer super markets. Distributor is focal point from which whole-salers supply the goods. Each distributor holds rights to sell one brands. Wholesalers will buy different brands from different distributors and dispense. Foreign players suffer from effective reach. Joint venture structure of distribution will help to overcome problems. Piggyback model of distribution will strengthen Distributor- retailer model. Multi channel mode of distribution will serve the purpose. Marketing Planning: International marketer need to deal with at least two level of uncontrollable uncertainties. The success of marketing program depends on optimal adjustment to business climate in which you are operating. After analyzing opportunities and select the province of china next step is to define the target market. Chinese are got enough disposable income and have been accepting beer as food beverage. Target market will give a direction to develop marketing mix and total number of potential consumers approximately. Aire Breweries should have good local partner to implement marketing strategy and extend support to reach target market. The price and promotion campaign need to be devised according to local practices. Entry Strategy: Once the market profiling is done, it is always good to enter in to the Chinese market through a joint venture. For many years, the Aire Valley Breweries plc, a UK company focused its marketing effort on premium-priced products. As beer market is growing at good rate, it is high time to get in to China market with constructive marketing strategy. A Joint-venture with local partner will offer ease in operations procurement of recourses, recruitment and handling beaurocratic issues. The local partner knowledge on competition, language, culture and business systems can influence the government policy. Conclusion: China is very potential because of vast population but high levels of risk has been demonstrated.Aire breweries may take assistance of local marketing research organisation to seek first hand information for political socio-cultural aspects. References: Kenichi Ohmae, (1990), The Next global stage available at http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3c%27s_model Jeffrey Hays (2008) wine beer in China available at http://www.factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=142catid News Report (Dec 2006) Beer market in china http://www.globalbusinessinsights.com/content/rbaa0012m.pdf National Bureau of statistics of China, available at http://www.chinaknowledge.com/market/book- Starmas international Business consultants (2009) China trends available at http://www.starmass.com/china_review/economy/_overview/china_macroeconomic.htm China Knowledge Bureau report, (2008) available at http://www.chinaknowledge.com/market/book-china consumer.aspx?subchap=1content=3 Chinese Beer Industry Report, (October 2007) Koncept Analytics Publishers, UK available at http://www.reportbuyer.com.food_drink/alcoholic_drinks/beer/chinese_beer_industry Beer Market in china (2008), A Market analysis of Aroq Ltd. Published at UK available at http://www.justdrinks.com/store/product.aspx?id=68150 Jeffrey Hays (2008) wine beer in China available at http://www.factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=142catid 10. Richard Benson-Armer, Joshua Leibowitz, And Deepak Ramachandran (1999) Global Beer: Whats On Tap? available at https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/ghost.aspx?ID=/Global_beer_Whats_on_Tap_321 News Report, (December 2006 ) Beer market in China http://www.globalbusinessinsights.com/content/rbaa0012m.pdf Don Lee, (29, April 2009), China relaxes business regulations, Los Angeles Times, available at http://articles.latimes.com/2009/apr/29/business/fi-chinaregs29 Charles W. L Hill, 2005, 5th Ed, International Business, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India p- 166 Philip R Cateora, John L Graham (2008) 3ed, International Marketing, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India p26 InfoPacific Development Inc. (2009), Kompass, China http://www.chinatoday.com/general/a.htm Prof. Jiangang (Jim) Dai Prof. Chen Zhou (March 2008), Beer Distribution In China, Georgia Institute of Technology, available at http://www.scl.gatech.edu/research/china/beerreport2008.pdf China Business Intelligence analysis available at http://chinabizintel.com/industry-updates/several-major-problems-in-chinas-beer-market.html

Sunday, October 13, 2019

the wars - chapter 5 :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert leaves from London to Waterloo where he rides by train and reaches a town called Magdalene Wood. It is here when he realizes that he has been separated with his bag. Robert is now left without rations, clean clothing, and his gun. Magdalene Wood lies about 12 miles from Bailleul. Robert decides he wants to make it before sunrise so he must walk the remainder of the way. Soon Robert joined two horsemen and rode the remainder of the way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Robert reaches Bailleul and stays the first night in a hotel, he immediately passes out in his room. He wakes once wondering what time it is the remembers the watch Barbara bought him. Although it is 1:30 Robert falls back asleep. He then wakes up later wondering if he has slept through an entire day; he gets up showers and makes way for Desole, this is a housing facility for the mentally ill as well as soldiers. While taking a shower the nurses and other inmates leave the room and turn off the light. Robert senses he is not alone, and asks â€Å"who’s there?† nobody replies, but he hears the sound of someone breathing. He is then approached by what seems like four men and is raped. Before the rapists leave Robert hears them say not to take any money or that will give their identities away, revealing to Robert that it was soldiers who committed the act. Soon after this incident Poole appears while passing through and much to Roberts surprise gives him his kit bag containing Roberts clothing, gun, and a picture of Rowena which he burns as an act of charity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Robert returns to the front on an ammunition convoy towards Wytsbrouk. He encounters some shelling but his life is spared. On the seventh day since returning from the front Robert is with Captain Leather and thirty horses and mules. When the German’s begin to bomb their location Robert asks Leather if he can release the animals in order to save them, but Leather was in a panic under a table and refused. However, Robert convinces Devlin to open the gate to release the animals. When Leather witnesses what Devlin is doing he fires and shoots Devlin in the head. Shells begin to land in the barns and as Roberts attempts to kill the wounded animals he thinks that if Leather was an animal he was be deemed mad and be shot.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Exploring Music Trading :: Essays Papers

Exploring Music Trading Background The recording of live music goes back over a century to the beginnings of audio recording technology itself. The organized recording and trading of a band's live shows by devoted fans, however, is generally traced back to the late '60s or early '70s. The first band which allowed and encouraged such activity was, of course, the Grateful Dead. Although the Dead never had a true radio hit, they were able to become the most consistently successful touring act of all time in no small part by allowing their fans to record and then trade (but never sell) copies of each of their live shows. Both the library and music trading communities may find themselves under profit-minded assault in the present and near future. By the time the Grateful Dead called it a career in 1995 with the death of guitarist and guru Jerry Garcia, a number of other bands had taken notice and were emulating the practice of allowing audience taping and trading. Prominent among these bands were first-wave "HORDE" (named for a successful festival tour) or "jambands" such as Phish and Blues Traveler. Despite the lack of MTV or radio support, Phish managed to gross over $20 million per year from their tours in the late '90s. The band consistently sold out venues for multi-day runs, while MTV-friendly bands were playing in front of half-full houses. While there is no real estimate of the number of touring bands today which allow audience taping and trading, a rough guess would place the low end at well over a hundred (given that 80-taper friendly bands were at the High Sierra Music Festival last summer, and at least an equal number were not). Many of these bands now allow, encourage or initiate the posting of their shows to var ious online sites such as www.archive.org (a must-see site for all library types, not just for the excellent live shows contained therein), usually in SHN or FLAC formats, where they are available for free download to anyone with a high-speed connection. Given the harsh attitude of the major recording labels (as expressed through the Recording Industry Association of America's various peer-to-peer lawsuits) toward "unauthorized" distribution of copyrighted recordings on the ground that it damages the fortunes of their artists [author's note: one should be properly skeptical of any record company claims of interest in their artists' well being], why, then would bands allow the essentially free distribution of live shows?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Our Fluid English Language Essay

It is generally known that as time goes on, most things tend to change, evolve and grow. This could be said about a long list of thing, including humans, music, fashion, technology and many more. But what isn’t commonly thought about is the evolution of language; more specifically the English Language. Being one of the most spoken and rapidly learned language worldwide, one might ponder the evolution of the it and how the English language came to be. Spoken today is called Modern English, but this language took hundreds of years to be developed into from its Greek, Latin, German, Russian and other European roots. To further understand the fluidity of the English language, a Catholic prayer that was once written in Anglo-Saxon or Old English is rewritten in Middle English and Early Modern English. Through these stepping stones of the English language, one could analyze the difference in letter symbols, punctuation, and pronunciation. At first glance, the Old English version seems to be in a completely different language. One would never believe that the English we speak today derived from Old English. But as one tries to decipher the words and the passage at hand, few words became certain to be derived from Old English. Although most are not Catholic and wouldn’t know this as a religious passage, the major clue was the capitalization of the first word: father. Although spelled â€Å"Faeder† in Old English, it was easy to assume that it was a prayer from prior knowledge about the Catholics reference to God as Father. Not only that, â€Å"Faeder† and â€Å"Father† have similar pronunciation and many of the same letters. Some words seem familiar through context clues such as â€Å"willa† and â€Å"will†, â€Å"becume† and â€Å"become†, and â€Å"forgyf† and â€Å"forgive†. However, there are words that are completely unfamiliar and are unused in Modern English such as â€Å"gedaeghwamlican†, â€Å"heofonum†, and â€Å"gyltendum†. This proves to show that has time goes on, words and symbols begin to change, words begin to be spoken in different sounds, and grammar starts to shift away from its original roots. From the Old English and the Middle English translations, grammar seems to change the most and is the most noticeable. Similar to how English is spoken today, the first line of the Middle English translated prayer starts off as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oure fadir,† which is very similar to the Modern English â€Å"Our Father.† But in the Old English version, the prayer starts as â€Å"Faeder ure.† In many languages like Spanish and Latin, verbs and possessors are generally put in front of the possessive, unlike Middle and Modern English. As seen in the Old English version, father comes before â€Å"ure† or our. This analyzation displays the roots of English and how the language evolves and eventually strays from its origin. Also seen clearly in the Middle English version of the Catholic prayer, words seem closer to the Modern English spoken today, although some symbols and spellings reveal its true age. More words become recognizable such as â€Å"kyngdom† to kingdom, and â€Å"heuene† to heaven. These words show how over time, words begin to shift and change, although it started as something else. A symbol that stays constant from Old English on to Middle English is a letter close to â€Å"p†. This symbol is pronounced a â€Å"th† sound. Although this symbol is replaced with the letter â€Å"t† and â€Å"h† in Modern English, the words such as â€Å"pi† and â€Å"pat† are equivalent to the Early Modern English words â€Å"thy† and â€Å"that†. This different usage of symbols but same sounds exemplifies the change in letter themselves, but not the sound it once came from. The Middle English truly shows the steps it took to get from Ol d English to Early Modern English. When we read the Early Modern English of this Catholic prayer, we can understand it clearly, though words that are used in the prayer are not used in our daily vocabulary and writing. Words such as thy, and art, which has a different meaning from Modern English, are not used and are rarely seen in modern writing explosions. Early Modern English has been changed and developed so dramatically that people don’t talk the way the prayer goes. The proof that shows how fluid English is by the usage of slang. Just as spelling, pronunciation and grammar of words and sentences changed from the three stepping stones of English evolution, modern English words are being condensed and meaning of words change. The evolution of the English language doesn’t stop with us. Although there are three stepping stones of the English language, in the future there is a  possibility that a New English will emerge. Just as it did over the course of hundreds of years, the English language will continue to evolve and change. Meanings will alter and spelling will change. A hundred years from now, Old English will seem to be a language in the past.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Symbolism in English Literature

Archetypal figures present in Chaucer’s â€Å"The Miller’s Tale† By Jose Luis Guerrero Cervantes According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, an archetype is a symbolic formula that begins to work wherever there are no conscious ideas present. They are innate universal psychic dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic themes of human life emerge[1]. The archetype is experienced in projections, powerful affect images, symbols, moods, and behavior patterns such as rituals, ceremonials and love. Jung[2] compared the archetype, the pre-formed tendency to create images, to a dry river bed. Rain gives form and direction to the flow, we name the river, but it is never a thing located in any place, it is a form but never the same, it is always changing but it is still a river. Following this analogy, the archetype would be the dry river bed that motivates and modifies our conscious understanding of ourselves and the world (the water of the river) from which emotions, attitudes and ideas arise. It is possible to track the use of archetypes in universal literature, according to Joseph Campbell[3], from the origins of human civilization. Archetypes help Chaucer to his main purpose when writing The Canterbury Tales: to reflect on the personal concerns and solutions of the evolving medieval society of his time. Characters with strong archetypal features has an automatically and unconsciously effect in the reader’s mind, allowing his mind to recognize experiences, emotions, and typical patterns of behavior, establishing a â€Å"dialog† or â€Å"unconscious link† between the reader and the text. The purpose of the present essay will be to identify such archetypal characters and situations and their impact in the reader’s psyche. [4] It is possible to recognize in Nicholas’ behavior elements that match with the archetype of the â€Å"Trickster†. In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal that plays tricks or, otherwise, disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior[5]. In modern literature, the classical figure of the trickster survives as a character not necessarily supernatural or divine, but as a clever, mischievous man or creature, who tries to survive the dangers and challenges of the world using trickery and deceit as defense. For example, many typical fairy tales present kings who want to find the best man for his daughter by setting a trial to obtain the hand of his daughter. Brave knights are not able to overcome the trial until a poor and simple peasant comes. Armed only with his wits and cleverness, instead of fighting, he evades or fools the obstacles between him and the desired object. This way, the most unlikely candidate passes the trials and receives the reward. One example of this character in English Literature is Shakespeare’s Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice who, in order to marry Portia, must pass a trial set by Portia’s father. In this case, Nicholas is described similarly to this archetype: This lad was known as Nicholas the Gallant, And making love in secret was his talent, For he was very close and sly, and took Advantage of his meek and girlish look[6]. Nicholas is characterized as somebody whose main attributes are not physical strength or economic power, but cleverness in managing the weak points of people for his own benefit (expressed in the words â€Å"talent†, â€Å"sly†, â€Å"took advantage†) hidden under a humble figure (expressed in the word â€Å"meek†). Here it is possible to identify the breaking of conventional behavior that it is proper of the classical tradition when it is said that Nicholas makes love â€Å"in secret†. In addition, in order to gain Alison, he must figure out a trick, otherwise, both might die if caught together. Alison’s behavior, on the other hand, shows characteristics that matches with the â€Å"Anima† archetype developed at the level of â€Å"Eve†. The Anima and Animus, in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, are the unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the outer aspect of personality. In the unconscious part of men’s mind, it finds expression in a feminine inner personality. Anima, in contrast, is in the unconscious of women and it is expressed as a masculine inner personality. It can be identified as the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a male possesses; or the masculine ones possessed by the female. The positive anima qualities of a man are tenderness, patience, consideration, kindness and compassion; then the negative anima qualities of a man are vanity, moodiness, bitchiness, and easily hurt feelings[7]. Jung believed anima development has four distinct levels, which he named Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia. Eve level is named for the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. It deals with the emergence of a male's object of desire, yet simultaneously generalizes all females as evil and powerless. This means that when an object of desires arises, the archetype shows an opposite behavior from that she had shown previously[8]. In the preliminary description of Alison, Chaucer describes Alison (with ecstasy and accuracy) this way: She was a fair young wife, her body as slender As any weasel’s, and as soft and tender; She used to wear a girdle of striped silk; Her apron was as white as morning milk Over her loins, all gusseted and pleated. White was her smock; embroidery repeated Its pattern on the collar, front and back, Inside and out; it was of silk, and black. The tapes and ribbons of her milky mutch Were made to march her collar to a touch; She wore a broad silk fillet, rather high, And certainly she had a lecherous eye. And she had plucked her eyebrows into bows, Slenderly arched they were, and black as sloes; And a more truly blissful sight to see She as than blossom on a cherry-tree, [†¦] Her mouth was sweet as mead or honey –say A hoard of apples lying in the hay. Skittish she was, and jolly as a colt, Tall as a mast and upright as a bolt Out of bow. [†¦] She was a daisy, O a lollypop For any nobleman to take to bed Or some good man of yeoman stock to wed. [9] Everything in her is lovely. Chaucer centers his attention on the physical description and little is said about her character. However, the adjectives â€Å"skittish†, â€Å"jolly†, â€Å"tall† and â€Å"upright† describe her as someone irreproachable in any sense. After she falls in love with Alison, all the marvelous image of Alison disappears when she decides to play a cruel joke to Absalon: Absalon started wiping his mounth dry. Dark was the night as pitch, as black as coal, And at the window out she put her hole, And Absalon, so fortune framed the farce, Put up his mouth and kissed her naked arse Most savorously before he knew of this. [10] As it can be observed, Alison’s attitude changes dramatically after meeting Nicholas (the object of desire). This desire unleashes those feelings that are the negative counterpart of the male â€Å"Animus†. â€Å"Eve† development of â€Å"Anima† helps to generalize all women as evil, and Alison attitude towards Absalon reinforces this belief. John represents the archetypal of â€Å"The Child† in the developed degree of â€Å"The abandoned†. In Jungian psychology, it refers to an instinctual pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience (Jung referred to this as â€Å"the collective unconscious†), and present in the individual unconscious. We were all children at one time and we can remember the freedom of being a child, the unconditional love we received from our parents, the spontaneous laughter, how we innocently accepted things as they were and let our imaginations run wild. All those experiences left a mark in the unconscious and arise under certain conditions. In this case, the condition is the fear of losing Alison what makes this feeling to arise[11]. The Abandoned (Orphaned) Child archetype can easily be seen in characters like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz or Oliver in Oliver Twist. The fear of losing a caretaker and the feeling of vulnerability makes the character to proceed in a blind, precipitously way. Jealous he was and kept her in the cage, For he was old and she was wild and young; He thought himself quite likely to be stung. It is possible to notice here that John’s fear for losing Alison makes him to keep her out of the sight of the rest, â€Å"in the cage†. Nicholas takes advantage of this fear and uses it to deceive him in a childish way. ‘This world’ he said, ‘in just about and hour, Shall all be drowned, it’s such a hideous shower, And all mankind, with total loss of life’. The carpenter exclaimed, ‘Alas, my wife! My little Alison! Is she to drown? ’ And in his grief he very near fell down. As it was explained before, innocence is a mark of our childhood, and here innocence is incarnated by John. Absalon represents the archetype of the â€Å"Shadow†. In Jungian psychology, the shadow or â€Å"shadow aspect† is a part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. It is a link to the most primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to project: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. It is the link to the most primitive animal instincts that are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind, like the survival instinct. Absalon plans his vengeance for the cruel joke played on him and reacts in a even more violent way than his aggressors: Said Absalon, all set to make a launch, ‘Speak, pretty bird, I know not where thou art! ’ This Nicholas at once let fly a fart As loud as if it were a thunder-clap. He was near blinded by the blast, poor chap, But his iron was ready; with a thump He mote him in the middle of the rump. This way, Absalon fulfills his vengeance by recalling his most instinctive, irrational feelings. In the situations present in the tale it is also possible to identify two archetypal situations: â€Å"The Task† and â€Å"The love Triangle†. â€Å"The Task† is that situation in which a character is required to perform a task that will restore balance. It is commonly found n literature in the situations like to save a kingdom, to win the fair lady, the identification of the hero so he may reassume his rightful position, etc[12]. Examples of this archetypal situation in English literature are when Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone or when Beowulf slays Grendel. In this case, the task set for Nicholas is to consume his union with Alison using his cleverness to deceive his husband who has her â€Å"in a cage†. The reader is not told about the plan, so the reader and the fooled characters go hand-in-hand in the discovery and the development of the plan, holding the attention of the reader. The â€Å"love triangle† works in a similar way than â€Å"The task†, however the task appeals to the â€Å"logos† of the reader, while the â€Å"love triangle† appeals to the â€Å"ethos†. In addition, â€Å"the love triangle† works as the counterpart of the â€Å"Requited Love†, which is used to enhance the nobler feelings of human nature: sacrifice, loyalty, friendship, fidelity, etc. The â€Å"love triangle† enhances rivalry, fight, deceit, infidelity, etc[13]. It is possible to observe how the love triangle made Nicholas to figure out an ingenious trick to have sex with the John’s wife (infidelity), the showing of the darkest side of pure Alison, the wrath of easygoing Absalon, and the showing of the dumbest side of John. It is possible to conclude, after all this analysis that â€Å"The Miller’s Tale†, as the whole Canterbury Tales, explores the nature of human being life and behavior of the people of his time, making the reader to do an introspective view of his own life. The characters of â€Å"The Miller’s tale† are very likely to common people, functioning as a mirror in which society can see itself. The empathy that Chaucer is able to establish between the characters, their situations and the readers is possible because he appeals to those universal characteristics that human beings seem to share beyond race, distance, culture and time. These pre-figured behavior, or archetype, causes an unconscious reaction on the reader, putting them in the same, Jung would say, â€Å"psychogenetic frequency†. Therefore, it possible to explain why the Canterbury Tales is a universal piece of work: because it will never lose validity. It appeals to values and characteristics that do not seem to change in time, since it is possible to identify them in the universal literature of all times. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brunel, Pierre. Companion to Literary Myths, Heroes and Archetypes. New York. Routledge. 1992. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Translated by Nevill Coghill. Penguin. London. Penguin. 2003. Franz, Marie-Louise von. Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales. Toronto. Inner City. 1997. Herz, Sarah K. , and Donald R. Gallo. From Hinton to Hamlet: Building Bridges Between Young Adult Literature and the Classics. 2nd ed. Westport. Greenwood. 2005. Holman, C. Hugh, and William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. 6th ed. New York. Macmillan. 1992. Johnson, Terry D. , and Daphne R. Louis. Bringing It All Together. Portsmouth. Heinemann. 1997. Joseph Campbell. The hero with a thousand faces. California. New World Library. 2003. Jung, C. G. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton. Bollingen. 1981. Jung, C. G. â€Å"Phenomenology of the Self† in The Portable Jung. New York. Penguin. 1976. Stevens, Anthony. â€Å"The archetypes† in The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. Renos. Papadopoulos. 2006. ———————– [1] Anthony Stevens. â€Å"The archetypes† in The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. Renos. Papadopoulos. 2006. p. 20. [2] C. G. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. , Princeton. Bollingen. 1981. p. 9. [3] Joseph Campbell. The hero with a thousand faces. California. New World Library. 2003. p. 23. [4] C. G. Jung. â€Å"Phenomenology of the Self† in The Portable Jung. New York. Penguin. 1976. p. 147 [5] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. p. 18 [6]Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Translated by Nevill Coghill. Penguin. London: Penguin. 2003. p. 89. [7] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. 19. [8]. Idem. p. 20. [9] Geoffrey Chaucer. Op. cit. 90. [10] Ibid. p. 103. [11] C. G. Jung. Op. cit. p. 29. [12] Marie-Louise von Franz. Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales. Toronto: Inner City, 1997. p. 107. [13] Ibid. p. 89.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Governments and corporations Essay

There was no question of ownership of oil, water and other resources freely available in the environment before governments and/or private companies claimed ownership of these resources with the pronouncement that they would process and distribute these resources fairly. Poverty is a result of unfair distribution of resources. Moreover, environmental degradation ensues when governments or corporations are too greedy for immediate profits to consider the environmental impact of their business decisions. Surely environmental degradation accompanies loss of life. On the other hand, sustainable development is defined as â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† (â€Å"Adaptation to Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development†). The United Nations Economic and Social Council reports the following as an illustration of the ill effects of unsustainable development: †¦[The] rate of agricultural production growth at the global level has been about 2. 3 per cent between 1970 and 1990 and thus has exceeded population growth so that per capita supplies of food have increased. However, wide regional disparities remain: the situation improved greatly in East Asia but worsened in sub-Saharan Africa. There still remain large numbers of under-nourished people in developing countries†¦ The relentless exploitation of the natural resource base to achieve an increased level of agricultural production has resulted in increased natural resource scarcity and environmental degradation (â€Å"Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development†). The following case of the Aral Sea sheds greater light on the fact of natural resources being exploited when governments and/or corporations refuse to consider the trade-off that the concept of sustainable development is built upon. Situated southwest of Kazakhstan, northwest of Uzbekistan, and east of the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea is presently a salt lake. Until the 1970s, the Aral Sea was the world’s fourth largest lake, fed by the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers (â€Å"Aral Sea†). When the dictator Josef Stalin rose to power in 1941, and right up to his death in 1953, he desired to make the Soviet Union self-sufficient in cotton, which is used for both gunpowder and clothing. Hence, the successors of Stalin during the 1960s and 1970s allowed an unlimited amount of irrigation water to be tapped from both the Amu Darya in the south and the Syr Darya in the northeast – to quench the thirst of the cotton fields (â€Å"Dike Built To Revive Aral Sea; Soviet-Era Policies Turned World’s Third-Largest Lake into Saline Hazard†). According to environmentalists, cotton grown in a desert is sure to result in immense wastage of water. On the other hand, smaller quantities of water may be used to produce abundant food. Moreover, it has been claimed that the Uzbeks use a rather wasteful procedure to irrigate their cotton from the Amu Darya. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of its republics, the government of Uzbekistan has continued its old ruinous policy, as cotton happens to be the principle hard-currency earner for the landlocked republic in west central Asia. Hence, the world’s fourth largest lake that once supplied approximately fifty thousand tons of fish every year or one hundred pounds of fish per acre has lost a staggering ninety percent of its volume. And, this has happened in the past half century alone. Most of the fish in the Aral Sea have died because the water has turned too salty to be inhabitable (â€Å"Dike Built To Revive†). The Soviet policy of using unlimited water from the rivers that fed the Aral Sea has been referred to as a bad one because the successors of Stalin, and now Uzbekistan’s government, failed to take into consideration the science behind dried former sea beds. As though the death of fish is not a big deal, a dried former sea bed also spawns dust storms spreading salt, pesticides and fertilizers. This is exactly what happened in the case of the Aral Sea, as the area’s already fragile semi desert was ultimately damaged, turning its people into some of the unhealthiest on the planet. Here, anemia figures top ninety percent (â€Å"Dike Built To Revive†). Of course, the Aral Sea disaster is a typical illustration of governmental policies gone astray. Then there are corporations that refuse to consider that the natural environment is built on cause-and-effect relationships just like business management. In early September 2006, a toxic waste dumping scandal of truly globalized proportions came to light in the Ivory Coast. The Probo-Koala, a tanker chartered by the London-based shipping company, Tranfigura, set off from Amsterdam carrying four hundred metric tons of petrochemical waste to dump in Abidjan, the port city of the Ivory Coast (Vidal; â€Å"Ivory Coast Toxic Tanker Impounded by Estonia†). Tranfigura informed the Amsterdam Port Services that the waste was absolutely â€Å"conventional† (Vidal). However, it was later discovered that the waste contained hydrogen sulfide, which happens to be a poisonous gas, smelling as rotten eggs (â€Å"Ivory Coast Toxic Tanker†). At least ten people lost their lives in the weeks immediately following the incident in the Ivory Coast (Vidal). Moreover, seventy five thousand people sought medical treatment with complaints of nausea, nose bleeds, breathlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, skin damage, headaches, and swollen stomachs (Vidal; â€Å"Ivory Coast Toxic Tanker†). Undoubtedly, if the corporation responsible for sending toxic waste to the Ivory Coast had been conscientious to begin with, lives would have been saved. Even so, maximization of profits is the goal of all producers. Depending on the moralities of their owners and managers, they may or may not believe in the need to behave ethically. Unfortunately, many for-profit businesses around the globe are known to engage in unethical practices, which is the reason why the government must step in to regulate markets and the practices of various business ventures when it is believed that doing so would be of benefit to society. Governments have the right to charge corporations for the damages they inflict upon people and their environment. Then again, as the example of Aral Sea shows, even governments may fail to understand that the environment, like business, is built on cause and effect relationships. As expected, governments that make bad policies or wrong choices may only profit in the short run. In the long run, everyone must pay for faulty policies. Those who are subjected to such governments have to pay through the disastrous effects of bad policies on an immediate level. Their fault seems to be that they did not protest soon enough the bad policies of their governments. Regardless of whether they are able to do so, the fact remains that unbridled profit seeking behavior at the expense of the environment costs lives. Works Cited â€Å"Adaptation to Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development. † United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development. 8 May 2009. . â€Å"Aral Sea. † The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004. â€Å"Dike Built To Revive Aral Sea; Soviet-Era Policies Turned World’s Third-Largest Lake into Saline Hazard. † The Washington Times (1 Oct 2005), p. A08. â€Å"Ivory Coast Toxic Tanker Impounded by Estonia. † Environmental News Service. 28 Sep 2006. 8 May 2009. . â€Å"Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. † United Nations Economic and Social Council. 11-28 Apr 1995. 8 May 2009. .