Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 83

Assignment - Essay Example The trifecta can be best analyzed individually before a conclusion on their confluence can be made. For the case of Christian Zionist in United State, they are the ones that provide the financial support to the settler movement. Consequently, they will have no reason to appear morally superior by joining another group even if they are enemies, but have the same goal of defeating the Soviet Union (John and Walt 132-139). The Jewish Movement in Soviet Union is the one under siege, and they need to get themselves from the hook that the Soviets are not ready to necessitate. Any effort even from the enemy will be accepted liberate their struggles (Ro’i 11). Finally, the Islamic Jihad in Afghanistan had a problem with the elevation of the Soviet Jews by the United States that observe the Afghanistan day to support the rights of the Jews (R11110000). The confluence comes from a different perspective on the Soviet Jews and joins the three group into sharing the same goal even if they are adversaries. Since they share the same problem with different interest, the trifecta comes to one goal: to defeat Soviet Union. Ro’i, Yaacov. "Introduction: From Disaffection to Political Opportunity and Activism." Ro’i, Yaacov. In The Jewish Movement in the Soviet Union. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2012. 1-12.

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