Sunday, May 24, 2020

The New Kid - 758 Words

Picture this: You are in a new school, and there are more than 1,200 people you don’t know. You’re scared; you have never met one single person in this building before. You don’t know if anyone is going to accept you. You feel as if every one of them is sizing you up and judging you. This was the case for me when I moved in the middle of 6th grade. I moved from a small town. The middle school I was going to attend was more than four times the size of the school I had previously been attending. I was scared, and I didn’t know what to think. I knew the new school was going to be completely different than my old one. The whole day was going completely down hill until one little thing changed everything. You only really know what it’s†¦show more content†¦I couldn’t have done it alone, and I am so grateful for that one small gesture that turned a horrible day into a goodShow MoreRelatedThe New Kid Analysis1457 Words   |  6 Pagesact ivity? In â€Å"The New Kid† and â€Å"That’s What Happened To Me†, the main characters are both made fun of because they are different than their other peers. In â€Å"That’s What Happened To Me†, written by Michael Fessier, the main character, Bottles, is made fun of because he has to work which causes him not to be able to play after school sports. Bottles is very idealistic and likes to think of himself as a very talented athlete but he is not able to prove his ability. In â€Å"The New Kid†, written by MurrayRead MoreThe New Kid - Book Outline979 Words   |  4 PagesChapter One The New Kid I am Robert Johnson and I am 14 years old. I had really enjoyed my life in Newmarket, but I was time to start my life in New York City. My dad got a job there, so my mom and I moved there with him. I really liked my last school and had lots of friends there that I would miss dearly. It was the first day of school and I didnt know what the kids at this school would think of me. As I walked to school, I wondered what my fate would be today. I was almost at school whenRead MoreI Was The New Kid987 Words   |  4 PagesAll my life I had always been moving from place to place. I never stayed in the same house or even school for more than a year. I was always the new kid. It came to a point that I saw no reason enough to make new lasting friends since I will be moving at the end of the school year. My sister and I looked forward to moving but I was getting tired of always having to move. My parents were in business that changed a lot and that’s why we moved everywhere. The one thing that I always looked up to atRead MoreT he New Kid Has Its Perks844 Words   |  4 Pages I walked towards the computer class, and stopped for a second to look at the sign that read COMPUTERS. I turned the knob waiting to be greeted by the awkward stares of the students and teachers; I guess being the new kid has its perks. 9th grade was my first year here in the United States and as an English learner, I had to face many obstacles from both students and the teachers. It was hard for me to understand what the teacher was teaching and what was going on around the school. I throw aRead MoreAmerica: For the New Kid on the Block1788 Words   |  8 Pagesthe many co-cultures with this county. Norms and Customs When Gabriel Cianci, Director of Service Operation at Farmers Insurance, first came to this country from Italy in the id 1970’s, he said the first thing he noticed was the diversity of his new neighborhood. He states that, â€Å"I didn’t grow up around many African-Americans or Asian-Americans; so when we moved to Cuyahoga Falls, it was a definite culture shock. I learned how to really speak, dress and act â€Å"American† from the teens in my neighborhoodRead MoreThe Tough Kid New Teacher Book968 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tough Kid New Teacher Book There are many problems that new teachers face in the classroom and many were unexpected to me and I was unprepared. Class sizes were large, classes were diverse and funding was scarce. The largest problem I encountered was finding solutions for dealing with misbehaved students. The Tough Kid was written to address these problems and guide new teachers in the classroom. The authors state the many problems of discipline and classroom management for new teachersRead MoreWise Tips Dating Single Moms Need to Know Before Introducing the Kids to the New Guy786 Words   |  4 PagesWise Tips Dating Single Moms Need to Know Before Introducing the Kids to the New Guy Dating when you have children can be very exasperating. You dont only think about how to go on with the date, you also think about what is going to be good for the children. After all, it is no longer just about you and him alone. Its also whether or not the kids will be cool enough to like your guy and vice versa. It is often worth any single parents trouble to note what it is their children might be thinkingRead MoreToo Sexy So Soon : The New Sexualized Childhood And Your Kids By Diane E. Levin1983 Words   |  8 PagesSo Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents can do to Protect Their Kids by Diane E. Levin, Ph.D., and Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D. is written for the parents of children and teenagers to help them understand and more effectively combat the harmful messages about sexuality that has become all too prevalent in popular media. I would recommend this book to parents and teenagers. It gives parents tools and strategies to help raise children that understand w hat healthy sexuality is and howRead MoreAnalysis Of With No Direction Home By Marni Finkelstein1133 Words   |  5 Pageswere street kids no older than the age of 20. Finkelstein did not interview kids over 20 because he said kids under the age of 21 rely on their families for social and financial support. He studied kids under 20 because those groups are most vulnerable to the lack of familial support and wanted to determine whether it will affect their self behaviour. These interviews and observations were constructed in the East Village of New York. The kids interviewed were from all over the place like New Jersey,Read MoreAnalysis Of Marni Finkelstein s With No Direction Home 1394 Words   |  6 Pagesthe lifestyle of the teenagers with no home and explains with detail about what consist in their everyday lives in the streets of New York City. The purpose of this book is to explain to people who these kids are and to see life in their point of view. It explains the differenc e between street kids and the kids that live on the street. We need to understand that the kids that live on the streets have their own culture and their own way of surviving. Learning their point of view would be a great eye

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